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Everything posted by blondee

  1. Bump, i cannot do this year due to health issues
  2. Yuk ugly little coypu
  3. Deffo Rusheslake, the food is goooooooooooogeous too and the owners are like family very welcoming indeed.
  4. I know Tel, they are nasty nasty men, you poor thing putting up with them all for the week, you deserve a medal xx
  5. I blame Paul for influencing you with that Rocket Juice
  6. Thats a bit harsh on poor Tel, I never saw him sharpening his pick axe handle, mind you there were plenty of sticks around from the trees to sharpen.
  7. Yes Tel it was
  8. [http]
  9. We stayed over in Oxford Saturday night to break the journey , I just told John you've renamed him "Dave" Hope to meet up again, was a cracking laugh.
  10. Hi there Tel Glad you had a great time, we did too, sorry we missed saying goodbye to you at the Super U, It was another great holiday for us along with catching some beauties. Thanks to Kim & Iain the hostesses with the mostesses
  11. We live in Lancashire, the best route from up North is Portsmouth to Le Havre, with LD lines, if your missus is going get the sleeper seats booked they're worth every penny I've done crossings from Dover too but its a hellish drive down. October weather will start to be chilly at night, we had a couple of nights last week were the temperature dropped and there was ice on the ground sheet, daytime was scorching though, just take warm clothes / fleece and hats just in case it gets cold in the bivvy.
  12. Thanks Malc, hope you are doing well, me and Andy are fine thanks .... Need to get back into the fishing though, tend to just go back to Kims for a good 2 week break and enjoy the lake and laughs.
  13. Cheers, i've had some stunners but thats my biggest yet
  14. Well after 7 years visiting I got myself two new pb's 41.10 Cat And 31.14 Mirror and another beauty mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [/img]
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