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Everything posted by ruddyroach

  1. thanks for the replys, tmb1415, whats this anglers theory?? andy
  2. hi everyone, im new here, coarse fished for quite a few years and always love broadening my fishing styles/techniques so ive come to join you in the big carp world now!! so, ive been thinking about the length of hooklengths now for a while and im a bit confused - itd be great if someone could clear things up for me! ive been thinking that, the bigger the target fish, the longer the hooklength should be? the way i see it is that a bigger fish has a bigger mouth, and will suck bait in throughout a larger area than a small fish, and further in to its mouth. If the length is only 4 inches or so, it may be hoovering up bait and not manage to take the hookbait in to its mouth unless its right next to the lead. if its a bit longer it may be sucked back more freely and either turn in the mouth and hook the fish or hook the fish as it swims off? are you following? my next question is about the whole principle of these legering rigs! is it assumed that the fish hooks itself due to the possible anit-eject property of the rig... or when the fish swims off and feels the resistance of the lead it "bolts"? if it is thought that the fish will hook itself regardless of the lead, then does the length of the hooklength become quite irrelivent?? and lastly, can someone please explain why on one day you may choose a 5inch hooklength, and on another it may be 9 - and how to decide when to change?! a lot to go at in one post, if anyone can answer any part itd be a great help, cheers!! andy
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