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Everything posted by katwel

  1. Yes fished it a couple of weeks ago-prawn seems to catch well-never caught anything over 8lb but had a few nice tench too.
  2. Went to Higham yesterday-you can't use bait boats-going again tomorrow.
  3. Gooing to have a session on Higham this weekend for the 1st time-does anyone know if you can use bait boats as they don't have a website.?
  4. I've fished covert springs a few times and have caught a decent amount of fish both on the top and underneath but there are no fish to 30 and 40 lbs-the specimen lake is awful -a small puddle with ropes under the water I would try Smeatons myself.
  5. Thanks for the link-seems a good forum,not sure about havimg to join the scg as it's only a weeks fishing I'm wanting whilst up at Edinburgh for a dog show-we'll sort something out-
  6. Anyone know of somewhere to fish around Edinburgh-or within an hour or so drive?
  7. Please does anyone know of caravan sites in worcestershire that have carp fishing on them . The one I normally go to is fully booked for when I want to go.Thanks
  8. On reading your forums I have come to the conclusion that some of you think that they are the only ones that should be fishing a particular place at a particular time-you call other fishing people and new members of syndicates have as much right as the next person and yourselves to fish the venues-What you lot want is a lake each with only you fishing it!
  9. Fished Hamstall last week on a day ticket-there are fish to 30lb was there for around 5 hours and caught 15lb7oz common,15lb 2oz common and 10lb common. in the margins.
  10. Hi there-what bad stuff have you heard about cromwell-we fished there a few weeks ago-although we blanked and there is a fair bit of weed at the moment I haven't heard anything bad.
  11. Another nice CL site is Top Barn Farm in Worcester-it has 4 lakes but no electric hook up.
  12. I bought a pack of korum quick stop hair rigs and they were pants-the plastic stop kept bending and then broke and also the hairs snapped after a few hours,better to make your own-or if like me-talk your husband into making them!! lol
  13. Thanks for that-a season ticket is now £60-looks like it'll be an early start.
  14. Have just had a look on clumber park website at day ticket prices-£4.70 a day but what I understand from reading it you have also got to pay another £4 something to take your car in!!
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