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Everything posted by carpkid13

  1. Basicaly,, i dont come on here alot but i came on to see if there was a nash post about, suprise suprise lol sorry just an answer to ^^ the above reply , not moaning just a thought.. if the fish is snagged the fish is around the lillie stem wich you say are a bomb to get through.. when your rowing out the presure will be on the stem.?. not the fish other wise after the amount of people arriving each week, catching fish/ losing fish, the same as fish when seeing rigs feeling the hook in england, they would learn as every other situation and not do it if it was bad or affected them.?.just a thought. i havent explained it well but most of you wont really belive me any way. I have been twice to the lake, both times amazing.! second time i had 14 fish. biggest being 43 and a half a 42 and half 41 common and 40. if you bought decembers copy of the monthly dvd carp tv.? they went to the lake and filmed. i got filmed with the fish & pictures... was amazing.. david was a top man with a few rewards for catching four cracking 40's. the lake is clean.! cant say more its bear.. didnt have any problems with losing fish in weed.. apart from i lost something that was easing me off the decking with easy,,, Could not stop it.!.. last 10m and it snuck in a bed of pads and the hook pulled. The food is top quality, it was my birthday on the wed that we went, cake candles and a present,, couldnt ask for more.!. i see people are questioning the rods,, i was amazed at the proformance of them. Bought fish out of pads even in the worst of conditions. David's new photo taking is brilliant. i had pics taken for each of my 40's all cracking. bought them after and the feeling you get from looking at them, remebering the lake the fish the whole place, its grate. I cant fault the place. Just saving up for the 3rd trip next year, for my 15th birthday. Cheers Rich. : )
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