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  1. When i first started carping i was drawn in by the mags and was buying everything i saw!! I still have most of them but like lots of posts on this thread i am confident in using 3 or 4 of them and know i will catch fish (if they are there) The main 2 im using at the moment is nash armourbraid which i have used nearly everywhere and caught well, And korda IQ extra soft for when i need a fluro hooklink. I also have afew back ups incase it all goes pete tong, ESP sinklink and suffix sheath skin. AS for hooks there is only one for me at the moment, Korda kurv!!
  2. Are you fishing over silt? If so try suffix stiff silt, it has to be warmed to be straightened and also has a soft supple core. They also do black silt which is simelar to stiff silt but obviously not quite as stiff. Hope this helps
  3. Exactly, you should be fine mate. Hope you bag up!!! Tight lines mate
  4. Yeah plenty of room all round the lake, 13 acres between 8 of you. Loads of water for you to play with. Remember you have got all week so dont get too impatient, let them come to you.
  5. Very true, peg yourself next to your dad, spod a a decent sized area then you and your dad can put a rod on it each, that way you can still have 2 rods with smaller beds of bait and if you start catcing on the spodded area you can put all your rods on it.
  6. If you are unsure of anything then give graham a call, im sure he will be happy to give you advice. After all he pretty much lives on the lake so he will know exactly what the fish are on. Saves you spending money on bait you dont need.
  7. Yeah i totally agree with that, the more of the same bait that goes in the better off you will be. My friend who is going runs his own bait company (justbait) I assume he will be taking his own boilies with him (KT30 and BH1) If these baits go well when he is there then ill be getting a lorry load for next year.
  8. Ugly old things!! Have you got an idea on what bait your taking????
  9. Wouldn't be worried about the slime, would be worried about her dragging me in and eating me!!!
  10. Yep it sounds too good to be true, Although i wouldn't want to catch flip flop the cat, she is getting on for 120lbs isn't she?? There are going to be 5 of us next year so plenty of room.
  11. I should think you will mate, judging by the catch reports a bad week there is an amazing week here. My friend said that graham the on site bayliff is a really nice chap and knows his stuff, he isn't one of those pushy bayliffs either. He will help you if you need him but keep out of the way if you dont. How many of you are goin?? Have you got the lake to yourself???
  12. Cool, a friend of mine is goin in a few months so im goin to bend his ear about it when he gets back. Let me know how you get on and what you catch on please. Hope you have a good time
  13. Hi all, i know this is a long shot but has anyone on here ever fished the place or know anyone who has??? Am thinking of booking the place next year.
  14. Had a look at that venue, did you fish the small lake or the big lake??? Was also looking at the feedback, its good except they all say that the hosts dont speak very good english. Did you have any problems????
  15. Hey people, I really want to go to france next year but am stuck on where to go. Iwill be going with a couple of mates and would appreciate it if anyone could give me some advice on what time in the year is best to go and where would be good???? Im not after 50s, would just like a nice runs water with loads of carp. not to far away from calais with good facilities (on site bayliff, showers etc) Would really appreciate some sound advice.
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