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Everything posted by carpersmithy

  1. kryston all the way for me
  2. cheers lads will look into the rigmarole aswell
  3. i'm wanting to experiment with one of my rods (i use 3) using a fluro hooklink,i've picked up a spool of esp ghost and was wondering how to straighten it out when making the hook length never used it before but the appeal of it been almost invisible and stiffer than my normal braid appeals to me any help appreciated lads thanks
  4. pics in june catch reports yay!!!
  5. there going up as soon as my mate sends them to me jules i've done really well out of there to say i've only done 4 weekends in total
  6. well the mcpot has done it again went back to oaklands this weekend,what a session i had got there friday afternoon bivvied up and put my baits out where i thought the fish might be lurking 2 to the margins and one on a small island point just inside my swim...1 hour later 2nd margin rod takes off and bang am into a lovely 18lb 7 oz common belting way to start the session i thought back out it goes and around 30 mins later the island rod takes off.2nd fish 13lb 11oz miror back out it goes,about 7pm same rod goes again but i hit the rod too fast(was stood next to the pod having a brew saw back lead suddenly shoot,should of left it a couple of more seconds to get the hook in ) missed the fish,out again 10pm just as its coming dark same rod screams off,and a new pb was to come my way a lovely 20lb ghost carp that was my special fish it was beautiful,never will i top this!!! out again for the night and settles down again with another brew!! quiet night follows. 7am saturday closest margin rod takes off and a nice lump of 15lb 4oz mirror graces my net followed by a quiet day....around 5pm island rod goes again this ends in a 18lb mirror another new pb again a quiet night. after breakfast sunday sat again having brew and island rod goes again lost the mirror at the net out again same rod goes again around 1hour later 15lb common out it goes again and just as bivvy was coming down around lunch another small common to end the session 10lb 12oz.to say i'm ecstatic is an understatement,7 fish out 2 lost and 2 new pbs yay for me pics to follow soon
  7. its a hard complex mate good luck,its been years since i fished up there tho
  8. well played on your explanation on the needed advice mate with reagrds to the set up i use both running inline and shocker set up and never had problems with my bait boat on either,no tangles or owt!!!! but like what has been stated i do still but a little foam nugget on to avoid catching any debris.
  9. i absolutley wet my pants when i read this mate that has made my day genius pure genius still laughing now
  10. cellars clough huddersfield mate isnt a bad little water not exactly a "runs water" but approached right is a good place to get a bend in your rod
  11. fantastic books all of them,i have the entire trilogy as well including the hobbit,i've had to buy the hobbit 3 times i've read it that much they fell to bits
  12. thanks again guys i've certainly learnt alot jules mate since i 1st met you and martin!! hope to see you on my next session mate pics in gallery now lads,take a look!!
  13. well i went back for another session and it was a whole different ball game this time i ended up banking 4 fish and lost 3 a 5lb mirror,13lb 8oz mirror,18lb 11oz common and a 23lb 3oz common smahed my pb twice in the same weekend and got my 1st ever 20+ carp am still buzzing pics to follow soon
  14. well i am as red as a tomato thanks to the sun was a good session nothing at all friday night,settled in for saturday.really hot weather saturday carp all over the shop,cruising around and basking some right lumps!! they wouldnt take anything at all tried biscuits pop ups zig rigs....nothing!! tea time comes and i start feeding the little bay to my left with a little bread and 30 mins later i hear slurp slurp...big mirror sat munching away,out goes my bubble float with big chunk of bread.....bang he's on it.i kid you not lads i had a 3lb tc rod in my hand and the tip nearly touched the butt when i struck and the fish took off pooped my pants i tried to put pressure on him to steer it away from the snag to my left but there was just no stopping him he knew where he wanted to go and i wasnt going to stop it,it spat hook and snagged me up i was bloody livid!! later that night i got a screaming run on my 3rd rod from the same bay and bang this one nearly took my rod out of my hand as well,10 mins into the fight and the line goes slack the fish slipped my hook i was shaking like a poopin dog,took too long to get out of the bivvy i think(stupid mozzy net ) out goes the bait agin and 2.30 same rod goes again this time i'm on it faster and a 11lb mirror graces my net out agin and 7am the next morning the same rod again!! this time a little 8lb 10oz mirror,i'm going back to this place again in 2 weeks.it was more of a sussing out thing as well as a fishing session!! i got my eye on 3 pegs i fancy and the baits am going to use next time,keep this space open next time i will be more prepared
  15. will do mate were booked on for the weekend in 2 weeks so will definatly let you know how i go on
  16. of course jules from what i can gather it has 3 lakes a fly lake,match lake with carp to high teens with some nice roach perch etc....no pods or alarms though!! and the specimen lake,which there is only 10 pegs in total around a water around 1.5 to 2 acres in size!! speci lake carp to 30lb in weight and cat fish to 40lb!!!! so all going well it should be good session
  17. can anyone give me any info on oaklands water east yorkshire?? i'm off for a session there in 2 weeks.what baits,pegs etc.... adam
  18. thanks guys you have all been a great help
  19. when using my normal rig braids i always tie my own i tried the ready made ones once and didnt approve,like was mentioned i like to have a little faith and yes if it goes wrong it is my fault,i didn't explain myself properly i think with the coated braid do you have to strip back the stiff part to tie the hook to swivel and obviously hook? i'm thinking of having a go but want to make sure i know what i'm doing before i go in heads first if that makes sense also does it come on a spool like hook braid? any brands people have faith in? thanks all!!
  20. so i could use a coated braid on a running rig or a shock rig set up? and can you buy them already made up from the tackle shop or do you have to make the rigs yourself? thanks for the help before i forget!!
  21. so which type of rigs mainly use coated hook links and when the end is stripped back does this just make it sit hard on the bottom but with a little lee way on the hook?
  22. ok my turn to sound dumb now mono is the same as the line you use on the reels yes or am i totally wrong? and whats the deal with coated braid? whats the difference between this and normal braid? sorry to hijack the original question but this is still on topic i think i'm just used to using normal drennan soft braid as hook link material to running rigs.
  23. sorry guys didnt make much sense did i it was the hook link i was talking about i just let my bomb run on my main line and it was tangling alot almost every cast! i've read up on feathering i never tried that before so will have a go this weekend,going to set up the runner with tubing as well been reading up on ways to do that too,told you all i was still learning did'nt i!!
  24. i tend to usually fish a bolt rig and a running rig but i've found that when casting the running lead it tends to wrap itself around the bomb if that makes sense! is there anyway that this can be avoided? i've thought of maybe trying a longer hook length as the size i've been using is quite short.any advice would be great guys and thanks in advance
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