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  1. what size fish, how far max. will u want to go?
  2. lakes: ivy, nunnery, deep, copse, triangle, east, west, vinnetrow, runcton. £10 a night bait boats allowed on all lakes apart from veinnetrow and runcton. ivy- rumour of a 50lb common(doubt it), big fish including scar, and a big common which came out recently at 38lb. nunnery- fish up to 25lb- 30lb lake is around 60 acres deep- couple of 30s copse and triangle- connected to ivy east- fish to 30lb, expect a few from here, many stunted commons west- not much known about lake, but massive pike, and at least one 30. vinnetrow- many big fish up to nearly or 50lb ( pecs and afew others) runcton- fish up to 50lb almost ? not sure how big blackscale is now. help some good lakes that arent fished much, swims could be better, overgrown and litter.
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