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Everything posted by run_rabbit55

  1. thanks guys. not all 6 will be fishing but im hoping to get the missus having a go!
  2. Hi all, im planning a holiday for the family which consists of 6 adults and two children under 5 for a weeks carping in france. Now obviously not everyone will be fishing. idealy i am looking for a lake with good accomodation for the family and ideally lake exclusitivity for this week. has anyone heard of or been to any where they can reccommend?
  3. hi im trying to pursuade my family to go on a carping holiday. im looking at options in the uk. does anyone know of any lakes that will cater for around 10-12 people with the option to hire out a whole lake for the week
  4. looks great, thanks. just gotta pursuade the family now!!
  5. hi guys, im hoping to arrange a fishing trip to france next year for my family. im just wondering what information is avalible so i can make the right choice. As i said its a family trip with a range of children from 4 to 10 going. any help or resource would be apprieciated. i should also mention it will be a party of around 15 people
  6. whats henleaze like? might get down their one day with the lads. what kind of bottom is the lake? gravel, silty etc.
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