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    Newark on Trent
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  1. Cheers guys
  2. good thinking Are they ment to slide that freely?
  3. Hey guys, Im using a hinge rig, helicopter style...Im using 30lb Fluoro, and the beads are sliding very easily even gravity slides them down. What can I do ?
  4. Ok then they can maybe get moved to a presentaion stick or something ?
  5. Yeah I spent most of last night trying a 15mmbb and 15mm pop. Just trimming away etc, the bait still looks a bit gig for my liking, so might try a cork insert. Who will be the best person/people to have a look at my rig pictures to make sure they are ok so otheres can learn from ??? As I coulnt find a picture of what I was trying to do
  6. Wicked thanks for your patience in this, I know its been done to death lol. Im pretty clear now with what I want to achieve now. Thankyou Any disadvantages of using it with a KD
  7. so both baits are on the bottom????
  8. Sorry to start on this again guys. can anyone point me in the direction of what a balanced snowman should look like?? I have mine at the min so the shank of the kook if floating with baits above it, and the hook is sitting on its point near enough ??? Cheers guys
  9. well I was practicing using some 12lb mono for both ends and altho it tied thanks to the above video. It looked messy and i never put a knot out unless it looks fine enough to be served as a main dish. I used 30lb fluoro to 12lb mono and it looks very neat and tidy, (I would eat it ) So i think my mistake was using the same diameter line????
  10. Hiya guys, Im going to be fishing, fluoro from mainline onto hooklink. Now ive been told the best way to attach the mono to fluoro is to use the albright knot... Can i do it for the life of me!!!! So what are my other options
  11. Maths aside, you have been my personel myth buster today. many thanks for clearing that up, i Hop this thread and your answer helps a few more people that was struggling with it
  12. I think I get you... So they are still classed as a bottom bait?? So would a boilie with a peice of artificial corn be something along the lines of a balanced bait ?
  13. Hmm and I was on the uderstanding that you still use putty/shot to balance the critically balanced baits hence the name.....Can you see my confusion
  14. Hi guys, Are the above the same or different presentations Im a little confused in the difference
  15. I do fish sapphire, and called him this afternoon and said nope
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