Has anyone fished the River Seine? I'm planning a major assault this year on a stretch between Rouen and Paris. I fished a lake which backs onto it 22yrs ago and the owner was stocking the lake from the Seine at the time! Mainly commons around the 18 -25lb mark. My gut feeling is that there are some very big fish in the stretch. My problem is that I've only fished a couple of rivers and don't really know much about them! I've been a carp angler for 28yrs now so I know what I'm doing but I lack river experience. Can anyone give me any pointers? The River is about 400yds wide here, it has a couple of permanently moored ocean going vessels very close to where I'm planning to fish and cut throughs to a couple of working gravel pits. Both obvious features. Until I get out in the boat I dont know about the depths or underwater features. Do I fish the middle or do I keep it all close in? Lots of bait or just a bit? Boilies or particles? All basic stuff I know, but, any guidance might just help me catch my dream! I'm doing a week at the end of March, 2 weeks in April, 2-3 weeks in May. The results from these trips will dictate the rest of the year. I'm happy to share results and exact location with anyone who can offer advice gleaned from experience rather than books! Cheers all. Keep catchin'