Informative information.
Just to mention when I said about playing the fish in I meant I didnt yank the fish in on far to heavy gear (probably didnt word it to well first time, sorry) and I would never make a fight last longer than necessary.
I also never have or would use mainline braid as a hook length, I have only ever used hook length braids and coated braids by well known manufacturers .........although the above has now definetly made me think twice about using even these
It is really good to see information like this available to us all as I am sure there are many people out there who are fishing completely unaware of the damge they could potentialy cause..........my only worry is are these the kind of people who would go to the trouble of doing a bit of research before trying different rigs, materials and so on
Keep up the good work fellas as I am sure a lot of people benifit and if that saves one fish from being damaged then it is all worthwhile.