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Everything posted by hat1971

  1. Hi Kev must of spoke to you or your dad on Saturday sure he came around to my peg to ask where"cut through" was i told him to drop into my peg as i was just leaving(old hut),cut through not to bad a peg but fish had been pushed to the bottom of the pool ,there's still should of been plenty of fish in your peg though theres enough of them in there.normally tight on the lillies throws up a fish.Good luck with your search for a pool in the Midlands sure there out there somewhere
  2. Is it closed untill further notice then ? Do you know if hes taken his fish with him or sold them as well he was talking about another pool wondering if hes going to use his fish to stock it ?
  3. Havnt got around to fishing there yet ,but did spend a few of evenings there just watching the fish did see plenty of descent size upper teens few 20s some very nice fish,not going to fish it for a while let it all calm down a bit.strange there not being any pics on the web page
  4. just done a 36 hour on the point had 7 dropped 3 18lb+ was the biggest others were mid teens managed to avoid the pasties,think once the fish have settled after the move it could be a better water than the other pool its certainly more picturesque youd never know you were a couple of miles from Wolverhampton ,would be nice if it was all one pool again more chance of gettin on a peg,id do like the place ,its a wonder i havnt seen you down there Youngcarper but im normally on the speci.let us know how you get on Keystone as i cnt get down there for a few weeks
  5. you should know its a bit secret squirrel
  6. I with you on that one Poolhalll is a cracking lake fished the speci 2 weeks ago landed 6 dropped 3 in 24hrs ,yeah the water was low but dnt stop you catching people always blame other factors when they blank "weed" they love it,just enjoy your time on the bank think the runs will make a better speci pool though,cant wait to get back down there
  7. Pity id love to get back on there used to fish it when it was day ticket.but gave fishing up just before it became a syndicate .some nice fish in there and not just carp cracking perch roach and dare i say it bream
  8. Forget Chasewater frozen solid not going to be many stillwaters free from ice time to get down the river,going to be a while before the ice melts away i remember in the 80s when chasewater frozen solid and a guy drove a car on it (idiot) but was quite funny at the time guess i must be getting old
  9. P.M sent of my mates website hope its useful
  10. Same as above ,used to fish it years ago the baliff is nice enough but hasnt got a clue about carp fishing.cheap enough for a season last time i was on it mite be worth the odd weekender when you fancy a change ,get the marker out theres a huge hole you want to avoid on the right hand side of the pool from the road side ,try and get on the edge of it but not in it could always tempt a fish from the small bay that used to be the snags not sure what its like now but have had some nice fish out in the past,good look if you do give it a go.
  11. be there friday morning till saturday night ,anyone else giving it a go this weekend.
  12. "THEY" said
  13. Yep sergeant the one that Always gets away "They " say he is well over 30LB now.
  14. thats so cheap.and you can fish nights on that season ticket.?
  15. Cannock but its not to far to travel,just after a pool where you dont get to mant idiots you know what i mean.dnt go often enough to join a syndicate which is prob what i really want used to be on Catton park but like a fool i left .
  16. nice one.yeah i have to get a litle something for my wife as well,be cheaper for me if she took up fishing,but that would take all the fun out of it.did you get your season ticket for Willesley???.you pretty local to this place then .
  17. what reels you had???.ive got to get some new alarms but think i got to wait till chrismas ,funds a bit tight at the moment guess thats what comes with havin a wife and two kids
  18. Cheers for thar carl might just do that depends when you go give us a buzz .
  19. Thanks alot for the replys so far lads,sorry about the caps lock being on,ill try not to shout to much :oops:is your gear safe enough on there dont wanna get mugged as i normally fish on my own do like the look of this place thinking about becoming a member have to spend a while on the lake first,dont mind a challenge makes the fish more rewarding.try and give it a go during the autumn winter only get to go every three weeks for 48 hours so mite have my work cut out.ill get the brew on if i see you down there lads
  21. thanks,midweek sounds like the best option
  22. thanks for that.looks a really nice place .maybe worth a visit just to chill out for a few days ,fish would be a bonus.thanks again
  23. Hi.Has anyone fished this place or know anything about it.?.tried the seach got no joy so had to post a new thread,any help please.???????
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