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  1. oh and also what are the pegs like , ie will i need a pod or is it a grass bank and i'm okay with my sticks ? thanks
  2. haha good on you , but i dont think ill really need your winning bait haha , i hope i dont blank now ive said that
  3. why dont you think its anygood ? to be honest i'm after afew bends in my rod instead of blanking , transporter used to rate it acording to his posts like
  4. i'm planning a trip to cudmore on sunday , its about 2 hours drive from liverpool , i'm planning on fishing on avoca because its sopposed to have the bigger carp in right? , has anybody fished cudmore recently ? and know what type of lakebed avoca is ? any info would be great as i havnt a clue , ive read alot of the other threads to do with cudmore too, thanks dean
  5. i'm looking for somewere to fish for my birthday , in march , for somewere that ive got a chance of a new pb , which stands at 17 lb from 2006 when iwas on holliday in newquay , all thought im more than delighted to catch anything on my local water , i'd like to grace my net with a big fish im exited about it and have good fun while i'm there =] its my new years resalution and i cant wait to get it , ive got my mums car for now so i can travel , somewere that isnt mega bucks to fish prefrably and not tooo many miles away from liverpool , would travel to the middlands if i was really tempted i dont know alot of waters so would be great to adventure any recomendations ? thanks
  6. what is the best way of striping braid i'm finding it a pain in the neck i bought some mantis dark today. it looks good , i also went to the lake that i fish this afternoon . about a inch of ice all over , no day session for tomorrow
  7. whats the differance between silk-worm and super silk ?
  8. what do they say ? " wait for a reply and four come at once " thanks for replying everyone , ive got a spool of esp sinklink so ill giv that a go , solak , i read both of those threads already i had a good mooch round yesterday, i'm goin to a tackle shop near tomorra to see if i can get my hands on some mantis dark , and ill try the super silk , that must be good if you have faith in it , i trust the kryston stuff , noknot , i also have a spool of dacron . its solid black . ive had afew fish on it , it used it a few years ago , but it is only in 8lb breaking strain so it could be dangerous thanks for the replys =]
  9. thanks for the reply paul whats it like , what colour is it . how thick is it compared to other hooklinks ? and does anybody use a black supple non coated braid ?
  10. i fish a lake with a black silt lakebed , before now ive used the kyston snakebite material in brown , seing as the lake bed is black silt i want to change to a black hooklink , ive read other threads about hooklinks but no colours are mentioned , i recently bought suffix stiff silt but find that the coating is too thick its more like wire than coated braid , i would like to try two hooklinks a coated one and a non coated supple braid , also what about braking strains .i say that because there are snaggy spots around the lakebed , what does every body think of flurocarbon ? i know its a big question but i would appretiate the help , anything to help me bank more fish , it is a quite a intimadating water but my favorate. thanks ps happy new year to everyone
  11. ive been fishing over silt and have previously used mantis and snakebite and rate them , i went to my local tackle shop and asked for thie " mantis dark" and he said " oh right when did thay start making that " and got made a fool out of haha so instead i bought suffix stiff silt , can anyone rate this have never used any of their hooklink materials before thanks
  12. i dont no to be honest , i live in liverpool and my dad mentioned it, i'm happy to fish my local but my dad dusnt get alot of time to fish so i think when he's off he wants to go there , looks not bad big fish in there aswell haha i dont mind a weekend fishing for me =]
  13. me and my dad are planing a trip to the monument fishery in next month whats it like ? is it tidy and well kept . is it likely to be really buisy ? i think were going to to a 2-3 day session , what are the fish like ? i'm not tryin to be like " what bait what rig what feature ect was just wondering what peoples thoughts were on this lake thanks
  14. would you change the size of the hair on your rig ?? shorter or longer ? thanks
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