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Everything posted by pumpkin123

  1. theres no point not mentioning the dam wall as its where most of the fish are caught therefor your best chance lmaoo jon ur a tard pete
  2. did u have to delete my post you could have just put censor over the words i never ment to and now ive forgotten what i put
  3. Post removed due to swearing and words on [censored list]
  4. Thanks alot ill give that ago nxt tym im down pete )
  5. I know its an easy water but the resa i just cnt seem to catch from i do well on many other telford waters but i just cant catch frm resa watever i do. i just dont know wat im doing wrong its really annoying me lol and im not a bad angler i may be young but i been carp fishing for a few years and i am a decent angler lol has anyone got any tips on catchin from the place i feel like and idiot writing this but i just have no luk there all i have caught is a bream please help pete
  6. Thanks ye the guy who was there when i was there caught it quite recently the 29lb i think and his brother was there too and he had caught a 26 which was his best from there . But you never know what people say these days to be honest lol. Ye im going to fish it alot more as my session before was my first time down there. If you do go down pm me how you get on . Do u know richard who owns the stall in wellington market? thanks alot Pete 'pumpkin123'
  7. jemsue i fished with petfyjo92 tht day we felt quite confident and there was a guy fishing there for the week who sed he had the lake record at just under 30lb i think its the same fish as your mate had 'carpaddict13' even he didnt catch that day and there wasnt alot moving. but he did give loads of help and advice jem Do you fish the blue much still thanks Pete 'pumpkin123'
  8. i was wondering if anyone knows about trench pool as is it in telford and is it dayticket also it would be great if anyone has any tips for the pool. thanks
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