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    well im a teenager arent i so im robbing and stealing....apparently. :)

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  1. im a member of tonbrigde and its brilliant for the all rounder youve got barden which holds carp to 47lb and some back up 30s and 20s then you have ballest pit which holds carp to 40lb but is seniors only then you have longfield that not many people carp fish but fish have been caught and finally a strech of river that holds a few uncaught fish.
  2. ive been told its easy but everyone gets acctracted to the islands and on this lake they dont hang around there
  3. i know the consiquences of using leadcore but with a running rig and slack lines wouldnt this definately be the safest way and the idea of the leadcore pind to the lake bed makes e feel so confident.unlike tubing where i know i will catch fish but im not confident with it.
  4. giles07

    Coated Braid

    for the hybrid i just strip back enought to do the knot then do a normal blood knot
  5. i know theres something like this on the same page but it doesnt really answer my question if you could pick out of any leader flurocarbon,leadcore,and the korda clear leaders what would you choose thanks bill
  6. i have the amount i think im going to get caught up the tree
  7. i was thinking of using a chopped down mainline fusion bottom bait on one rod but i didnt know what to fish on the other so i may use a pieapple pop up
  8. im looking to become a member of sutton and this lake comes along with horton kirby in the club im going to fish brooklands saturday has anyone ever fished it before and could give any advice on what works well there thanks Bill
  9. i might try the mag aligner
  10. does any on here rate the muedusa i was going to try it out on friday on my local commercial to see if its any good
  11. Helpful tip of the week goes to Giles07 WAHOO!!!!!
  12. i dont see the need to use 6s or 8s the smaller the better within reason ive used 10s in the summer now i will use a korda longshank x 12
  13. why use leadcore when esp anchor rig tubing is heavier and pins it down better
  14. ive just brought some enterprise pop up corn so should i now buy the sinking version to balance it by the way im using size 10s
  15. the korda lead clips have never discharged the lead on a take but thats why i use them because i only use 1 3/4 oz lead so theres no need.
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