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Posts posted by theoriginalmonkeyboy

  1. With the combination of a wide range of rig ideas and the discussion and elimination process I am sure We can come up with a rig that gives both safety and lower detection using no leads or much less lead and I for one will test it as it can only be good for all of us and our quarry so come on fellas (and Gals) lets have a go............we can have a good bit of banter and at the very least get a bit closer than We were to the ultimate rig.

  2. The main theme from us all here is fish care not catching at all costs which is great to hear, the thought of a carp trailing anything that can cause it any harm is one that completely dominates my thinking when planning rigs as any break or snap off ruins my days fishing as the thought of a harmed fish really gets to me, I have been trying to work out the safest rig and the least detectable rig perhaps not using leads at all!!!!!!and the smallest amount of tubing/core possible to protect the fish, using the best anti eject rig and still having a bolt effect!!.........now that is an ask but any thoughts would be appreciated.

  3. one thing to find out is what range you need to get on the fish, if its a comfortable range then the reels you have and are familiar with are fine if you need to fish at big range or use a boat then you may want to think about a change but dont do it just for one trip do it if you are ready for a change or upgrade, saying that I have just returned from France and fished one @ 150 yards and two @ 30 yards!!!!.........its really a choice between need and treating yourself to shiny new un's mate

  4. Leadcore does offer good concealment qualities by pinning everything down but esp anchor rig tube is as heavy as most leadcores, does the same job and is as fish friendly as anything if not friendlier, there is no room for hooklinks tied to the loop in leadcore and only chod or helicopter rigs should be used because in a time where we are using high breaking strain hooklinks the main line will go first and a length of leadcore behind a fish is a death trap.

  5. I Think the Lac Royale team need a special mention...........Booking is a pleasure with Karen, who answers and arranges every little request with humour and understanding and makes the whole process fun and very easy, Nothing is too much trouble and you feel comfortable before you even set out.


    Wayne is the business and planning side which He does with great vision and fills you with a sense of excitement with His plans and ideas not to mention this man can really cook and His selfmade meals in every style are some of the best meals We could not finish We have ever had, a funny guy who knows His beer too!.


    ..And finally there's Barry who is the kind of top angler that you dont read about, a real character with years of experience that He willingly shares and the kind of deep thinking tips that can only make you a better angler, He also rows quicker than Steve Redgrave and has you in stitches with His stories..............need I say more, We have found it.

  6. Myself and two mates have just returned from Lac Royale and the only thing the gang there could not sort out for us was the weather, We have fished in France for a good few years now and Lac Royale has it all, Hoofing great carp, wonderful facilities, huge brilliant meals and owners with a vision of what a French Carp holiday should be, with plans that will blow your mind (I am bound to keep the secrets, but watch the website), the sense for good service and fun of the owners is a breath of fresh air and time in there company is the final peice of the jigsaw, nothing is too much trouble and dont be too proud to take advice on your fishing because I learn't a way of thinking that can only put more fish on the bank and finally the lake itself cannot be done justice on the website it is stunning and that is now, We can't wait until next summer and every summer after that for a very long time........this is the one, get on it while you can.

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