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Everything posted by woods_1985

  1. alright craig, pm for you mate
  2. you'll defo need to invest in a pair of long nosed forceps, as long as you keep the fish wet, you'll have a few seconds to get the hook out. personally i have never had a carp being hooked too deep to remove the hook the only other thing i can think is to use a slightly larger bait so the fish cant swallow it so deeply or alternatively use a shorter hooklength so the hook point will be buired before it goes down the throat.
  3. congratulations on moving to gods garden....IMO. there are a few waters in and around west yorkshire worth a try although only a handful of waters that can offer a massive fish on a day ticket! a few clubs you may want to look into are, bradford angling - kirklees lagoon, knotford lagoon leeds angling - leeds knotford wakefield angling - wakefield lagoon, horbury each of these clubs have waters which contain 30lb carp otherwise if i want to fish for a decent stamp of bigger fish i end up travelling down the A1 into lincolnshire.
  4. in a word mahoosive! dont quote me on this but i think pit 5 is about 16 acres and pit 6 is a bit bigger at about 20 acres, all the pegs are great, good margins. its just a nice place to fish
  5. we'll probably pass you on the way!! i havent fished sapphire i fish cromwell lake just at the side of it, but a few of my mates have had some good trips there, the margins do very well after dark, same as anywhere find a good gravel/ hard clay spot and fish tight up, as regards to bait apparently they love sweetcorn (artificial on the hook, loose feed the real stuff around) do you have to travel from blackpool to find a decent water then?
  6. alright mate, fished the pits quite alot, depending what your after pits 2 and 3 offer the best chance of a run (my mate had a mid double common off the top on sunday on pit 2 while it was snowing!!) pit 4 is bream, bream and more bream to doubles with a few elusive carp, then there is pit 5 and 6 with the biggest carp in the complex, 6 is easier than 5 but the biggest carp are in 5. if you look on the a1pits website under the download section there are pics of 6 when it was drained giving you an idea of the bottom, features etc etc good luck for the trip
  7. thanks for your reply mate, coming from halifax we have got to travel if we want to fish anywhere with the chance o a biggy, so at the moment we are currently going over to lancashire as opposed to newark/ lincoln area. shalll let you know how we get on.
  8. i agree that there is no real answer but with a pop-up shorter the better (or even a d-ring) bottom baits i have been known depending on the situation to fish a hair twice the length of the bait!
  9. Now then carpers, Just a quick en for the lads who have fished the subject, Going over for the first trip at the weekend doing sunnyside 1 for a couple o days, now not asking the usual "what baits, which pegs bla bla" il work that out for myself but whats the place like? read a couple o threads on here from early last year saying its full of not very nice people *or words to that effect* just wondered if it was any better than stated? Cheers for any replys Woods
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