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  1. Showing my age... crisp packets were cheaper (and a better fit ) Does suffix sheath skin not come in anything smaller than 15lb b/s ?? prefer a 12 if poss .. (spose i depends on the dia. .. any info on that ??) 'Braid colour matches skin colour .... 20m spools. Green:' who has skin coloured .. green ?????
  2. 3 for a £ ? Cheers
  3. After a braid like snakeskin (do they do it in brown ??) but in muddy brown.. Are there any good ones that come in brown (rather then get the felt tips out .. ) ?
  4. Ive been using it with pva or in sticks so less of a tangle prblem ... If you want to see how long/stretch itll be .. catch it in the steam of the kettle when youre doing your shrink tube ... but not a lot
  5. Make sure you put the mainline under the bail arm ..
  6. Managed a cpl of ok rigs with it .. Ill get some snakebite to give a go with ... (what a waste of 90 minutes of my life .. 13 seconds from the whistle .. sick as ... )
  7. 'with the outer coating stripped back' think thats the diff .. i wanted it on thro the eye then a bit off for the hinge ..
  8. Just noticed the clocks an hour out on here ...
  9. 12lb b/s - ESP Raptor G4 sz 6 no prob any smaller no can do. Kamasan same normal or wide .. also a longshank .. cant rememeber what make but havent got any 6s in those .. basically any hook I have at the mo is too small apart from the sz 6s ... Got round it for now using a clinch knot on the hook but not easy Try it again later ... 10 minutes time ... Yid Army! Yid Army!
  10. 'One bit of advice though, use a proper pair of very sharp braid scissors to cut your braid and keep them solely for this use. I carry 2 pairs of scissors, one to cut mainline and bait and the other for braid only.' Thats making a lot of sense this morning So whats different between normal scissors & those for braid? Are they serrated or something ??
  11. Got me some o that ol snakeskin from the posty yesterday ... not having a lot of luck getting it to fit thro the eyes of the hooks I have twice - few different types (would only go thro a sz6 twice!) ... If you're using snakeskin what eyed hooks are you using or am I missing something?
  12. Do you all tie it to the mainline?? Found that to be a right PITA so using rig rings ... Don't like the 'big' knot left either even when its tied the way as per leaflet ... How do you all use it withyour hooklength ??
  13. Did you notice how I didn't anwser that ?? Yes to tie a pop up D rig mostly .. Yep realised after I'd posted that I'd mentioned snakeskin altho I actually asked for uncoated ... getting into the PVA so thought I'd give some braid a go .. will prob get some coated just for the option of uncoating it if need be .. so will prob be snakeskin altho was going with silkworm of merlin (the green colour of teh merlin put me off as dont fish weedy usually .. ) New rod pod first .. grrr ... stood on it a bit 'ard earlier and bust one of the legs off JRC Xlite still a good bet ??
  14. havin a look round for some uncoated braid .. are there any of the usual suspects, kryston etc that wont go thro say a size 10 3 times ??? I think I read somewhere that krystons a bit thicker/harder to get thro than say snakeskin ?? Anyone fancy doing a run down on common braids by diameter ??
  15. TS out of braid so 'stuck' with mono .. Jes wonderin what your best rigs are using mono instead of braid .. Saw one the other day that used a cpl of strands of mono as kind of backward spikes (ie short strands away from hookpoint towards mainline) as a sort of anti eject system .. anyone actually tried it ?? (It was like an umbrella of mono .. perhaps a spaghetti rig?? - Cant find the pic at the moment)
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