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Everything posted by lead_head

  1. lead_head


    Why are you going to use it???
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  3. Partridge hooks came today Robaldinho when i was a kid there were a few of us that used to go fishing after school on a local lake. 1 day we all went spinning for pike. We had been fishing for an hour or so with no luck. we all met up in 1 swim & were watching 1 of the gang for a while as we were bored. if you are squeemish please dont read any further. We were standing on a high bank about 4 foot above the guy we were watching. He got him self ready to cast his ondex. Rod went back raedy to cast & the Ondex hit my mate in the face. We all started screaming & shouting to the guy with the rod but it was too late. He proceeded to cast the spinner to the horizon as hard as he could not knowing what was going on. It actually ended up hooking Kev just under his eye & was obviously pulled in with some force. Im pretty sure he has the scars to this day.
  4. Job done found them here http://www.shortferry.co.uk/endtackle/index.asp after a quick search 3 packs on the way to me woohoo
  5. Lovely jubbly thank you very much I did think they looked similar on the website the last time i looked but its been so long since i had my hands on them i wasn't sure. Was gutted when i binned the last 1
  6. I used to use Partridge Z15's & swore by them (may be known as the Kevin Maddocks boilie hooks as well) but they dont make them anymore. If anyone knows where there might be some or if they are still being made but under a different name let me know now days using the raptors & they are good but not as good as the partridge imo
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