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  1. haha......no actually i fell in the lack, we've all done it!
  2. excuse my face on the first photo, id been to hell and back just before i had caught that fish....
  3. Went down barston the other week. Its true about the wind.....can be on for some big catches! My advice....never fish the island pegs, imagine the amount of lines going to one feature every day of the week!!! fishi the walking side....had a 18, 14, 13 and pasty out there last week in tough conditions! if i new how to upload the pictures i would!
  4. Hello, im a member of the Lamb but due to Uni commitments i have only fished it a few times. Just wondered if any one had a few tips, with my limited time on the bank by the time i find the right tactic its time to pack up!! Thanks guys
  5. Oh and im not sure whether the "NUMPTY FATERNITY" claim was aimed at me but i will add, on two visits i have had two twentys out! Ok they are not huge fish but im not going there to break PBs! And i do aggree there are a few anglers who many not know too much about carp fishing, but who cares! They havnt bothered me once!
  6. Went again today just for a few runs! first time the old lady has had a problem wiv me!! told me off for something stupid about the gate!! Ah well she does get on your nerves but appart from that she has never said anything to me, but i no plenty of people who she has annoyed Oh and too the person that mentioned how any self respected carp angler would want to fish here , if you go there its not actually a bad place, nice looking, small and holds some decent lumps, been twice had 25 first time then had an 18 and 22 today aswell as 3 small pastiest......so id rather fish a "numpty" pool and land a few fish rather than sit behind motionless rods all winter
  7. went down blythe waters the other day to have a look a around home pool. Il be using it quite regular over the winter months purely becuase of how deep it is. Just wondered if any one has fished it and what the fish respond to??? any advice or tips would be much appreciated! Cheers
  8. Im fishing etang de molyneux in June and just wondered if any one had been there and could offer any tips or advice for the trip?? Would be much appreciated. I heard that crab and shelfish boilies score well there, any 1 know much about this? Aswell does any one know the best baiting approach, i know last year that the best way was to fish small beds of baits to the islands.
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