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  1. cheers guys
  2. hi all, im booked on to fish the graviers at the end of april 2010 have never fished it before and no absolutely nothing about the venue (except the world record of course), is there any areas where the fish tend to shoal up etc, any ideas on bait, particle/boilies? trying to get a picture in my head on how i need to approach it, need to get as much info as i can, any info would be much appreciated guys
  3. hi all, i currently live in the west midlands area and im looking to find a syndicate water, ideally would prefer it to be quite local but willing to travel to areas such as Northampton, oxford, Gloucester (etc). ideally would like them to contain a couple of decent target fish. If anybody has any info or websites on any it would be much appreciated.
  4. hi all im off to mar peche on the 15th nov, ive never fished it before but i have had a look around it a couple of times when i have fished the labyrinth, have any of you ever fished it at this time of the year, if so i would be grateful to any tips on what type of swim to fish and what size, flavor boilie to use etc, thanks scott
  5. hi all, has any body got the number to contact paul hunt of rainbow tours? cheers scott
  6. www.angellakes.co.uk hope this helps you
  7. yeah there are quite alot of pike in there, ive had them to mid doubles, there isnt as many as there used to be because you get alot of eastern europeans down there catching them for food
  8. ive heard that there is carp in there but aint to sure cause ive never fishhed it.
  9. not to sure i dont think so, but i may be wrong
  10. has any body fished the pond on woden road south, wednesbury?? I can remember it being drained and the fish all moved to forge mill (sandwell valley) years ago, but last summer i had a walk round it and i seen about 7-10 carp in the margins, nothing massive but they looked like doubles. ive also heard that the are some twenty's in there. Has any body else heard anything about it or fished it????
  11. which lake is it the sanna??
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