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Everything posted by spicychickenballbag

  1. Hi jack...take some ant powder to put around ur bivvy. Not been to dream lakes but went crete lakes last year.
  2. Guess what? I am back!!! Well I see the owner of Weeley was im the Angling times last week for rushing around on his quad bike warning people that the EA had just turned up and that if you did not have a fishing licence, you had better pack up quick or you will get fined!! I have always had a rod licence and I think the owner of the lakes should be fined for warning people!! I must admit to trying a 48 hr session at weeley a few months back with a friend......The fist night I had a 4 lb common and a bream from the preditor lake and my mate had a 6 lb common. There must have been 10 other fishermen on the lake that weekend and nobody had a big fish out. The owner still tells you that there are over 45 carp all bigger than 15lb in the lake, oh that last weekend someone had a 31 lb catfish and a 28lb mirror out? But after talking to two blokes fishing there....They said that they where there the weekend before and they did not see any big fish come out??? I do know the lakes have suffered from many fish deaths this year and that he was shut down by the EA for a few weeks! A Big Hi to all the carp.com crew...lov ya all Keep up the good work! Spicy
  3. I have heard from 2 different people now that the new lake at weeley has got to be drained because proper planning was not applied for Has anyone else heard this? Anyone can see when they drive past the lake it is much higher than the road. The banks are only made from clay and dirt, just wait till the summer when they dry out and then it pours down on dry clay Does anyone know if you have to have a licence to stock a lake with catfish? Spicy
  4. Well the farmer seems to be spending some cash on a new lake!! I wonder if he is going to put any new fish into it? He will proberly net the other lakes and swap a few fish over to the new one which looks the same as the last lake he dug...feature less the same depth all the way across and no pegs to fish from? BORING Spicy
  5. To be honest there is not to much to pick from, unless you join a club. I joint CAPS last year and will renew my membership this year, also want to join AAA this year. Rayne lodge, which is close to Braintree is OK for a day ticket water. PM me if you want to go to a CAPS water for the day I could sign you in on a guests ticket for a day for a fiver. Spicy
  6. Well done!! I am glad someones catching from there. I know I put the place down, but I have never blanked so many times over and over again and also spoken to so many other people that have done the same. There just is not as many fish in the lake as the farmer says there is. Spicy
  7. Silly Question, what bait was you using? Spicy.
  8. Well I did it again, I did a 18 hour session at weeley! What is wrong with me? I did not blank in the preditor lake.....I caught a duck at 3am on a double boilie rig off the bottom right in the middle of the lake! There must have been about 100 ducks on the water first thing in the morning. I also caught a small rat in my boilie bucket the place is over run with them and I have never seen any rat poison boxes about. The grass around the lake was about a foot high and about 6 inch's high where you have your bivvy, it made finding a dropped bait needle almost impossible in the dark. I did have a very intresting chat with an old boy that was fishing there and he told me about how much time he has spent fishing the lake in the last 12 months, he is sure that there are only about 10 - 12 carp in the lake that are over 15lb. He aslo said that his friend had been asked by the farmer when he was fishing the old lake next to the road/bridge that if he caught the 30lb'er to give him a ring so he could move it to the preditor lake I thought you had to get a permit to move fish from one lake to another? My last grumble is the amount of rubbish that was everywhere, this is why there are so many rats. Even where I was fishing, there where tin cans in the water Oh and no loo roll in the toilet Spicy
  9. I could sign you in on a day ticket that would cost ya a fiver, but only members can night fish. I cant wait to get back there Spicy
  10. This thread is more like a personal blog now for you and me. Anyway, I went to Houchins for two nights and I caught 1 carp about 5lb 3 kittens (Baby catfish) did not weigh them and 12 large slimey bream. Yesterday morning I had a screaming run and had hooked a big cat, I played it for about 20 mins and then it managed to get into the roots of a willow tree over hanging the lake...Lost it...Gutted, this morning the bloke in the swim next to me caught a 28.5lb catfish and quess what was still in it's mouth? My hook link..It had snapped or come undone on the knot to the swivel. Nevermind. My only complaint was that there must have been a massive wasp's nest near by, there was hundreds of them and they all seemed pretty unhappy too. I got stung right on the back of my neck, I told the baliff and he was amazed at the amount of wasps flying around but did not want to do anything about it. He told me that he had flicked 2 wasps of another guys back that he was talking to as he went around the lake. I got stung from just standing still watching the water, not from franticly waving my arms about like I was having a fight with the invisable man. Spicy
  11. Does anyone fancy fishing next week? I want to go for a two nighter, not weeley I looked around Houchings lakes(C.A.P.S) last week....I saw some fat looking carp. Spicy
  12. It's just b'coz it's so close and there is a chance of catching a big fish, well sort of I am a member of CAPS but if I am just doing a quick over nighter it's to much hassle to travel further and then get stuck in all the traffic coming back home in the morning b'coz I have to be back in time for my wife to take the kids to school, My car has died. I only went and did another night there on the preditor lake with no fish under 15lb and caught a 10lb 2oz carp. The bloke fishing oppersite me had a 5 or 6lb'er out in the night. I also stuck a rod in the match lake and caught loads of small tench a 2lb carp and a pretty big roach, but I got bored of my bite alarm going off every 20 mins in the night just for small fish. Spicy
  13. I could not agree more, luck plays a massive part in fishing at weeley and you would be really, really lucky if the farmer bought some new fish or spent any money on the lakes spicy
  14. Well done it's a hard water to catch on I know that I am always putting the place down and stuff, it's just they charge so much money for a lake with no swims, features and a very small stock of fish. They really need to put alot of that cash back into stocking the lake, maybe even plant some trees around the place, sort the dirt track roads out...Ohh and did I say "buy some fish" Spicy
  15. Oh no, if you keep fishing there your going to catch up with my PB blank record Spicy
  16. Oh, I have tried a bunch of lob worms cut in half on a hair at weeley, If you are using them... check your bait is still there often m8 b'coz all them fish that are not in the lake under 15lb will eat them and you dont even get a line bite. Spicy
  17. I just checked the weather and I knew I should not have trusted that woman on GMTV today, She said rain and everyone else say's over cast! Women lie....No need! Good luck and what the hell is a humble worm? Spicy
  18. The weather is not going to be nice, infact its going to pour down all week! Oh well the ducks will like it. Spicy
  19. 101 posts....come on! Nick I am catching you up now, watch out. spicy
  20. Dont think i am going to be able to go fishing this week, my old neck is playing up real bad. I am not even supposed to drive, when i am taking my pain killers for it! Will let you know m8. Spicy
  21. Well here I am again up half the night, taken all the pain killers that I am allowed and still cant sleep!! But I am going fishing Wednesday night...dont know where yet? (Any tips) And dont say "weeley". Spicy
  22. I did try and look on the net for this place but did not find anything? Cheers for the link, b'coz I need somewhere new to blank. Spicy
  23. Welcome again to the forum. I keep on saying that I wont go back to weeley, the thought did go through my mind when I was sitting on the bank there yesterday! Got there nice and early, and came home this morning with yet another blank under my belt! Nobody else had a fish the whole time I was there...There were to blokes down from London, they had been there since Monday morning and went home last night and the only line bites they had were ducks. Some people said that the bottom lake down by the bypass has been producing fish but so has Captain Birdseye and there all covered in bread crums and would not look good in a photograph either. Spicy
  24. maybe in your fantasies?I love fishing...not I love fishy.
  25. Yerr to stuff her pockets with your cash. I dont mean any harm...I will give her a big fat kiss when I next see her and say sorry!
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