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  1. thanks a lot salokcinnodrog, that's exactly what i was looking for. i thought it would be nice to try something different on a spare rod in the day while i leave the two static rods over bait. cheers
  2. no, not a running rig, i still think they offer some form of resistance. i've just heard paternoster rigs mentioned quite a few times on this forum and i'm not sure how it's set up
  3. well whichever would be most suitable for carp. something that's free running and provides good bite indication. thanks!
  4. could anybody show me a detailed example of a paternoster rig which i could use to offer the best possible bite indication and make the bait appear more natural to the carp. if possible, a drawing/diagram to aid my understanding of the mechanics would be great! thanks
  5. anyone ever noticed how fluorocarbon's and mono's reflect the sunlight? do you think this would have a bad effect?
  6. although it all depends on how much bait and the lake bottom you're fishing over
  7. a 6 inch mono-braid combi link if you're fishing over a bit of bait, otherwise an 8 inch flourocarbon hooklink. both with a couple of mm gap between bait and hook and both knotless knotted. no need for too much complication
  8. this thread has got to be one of the most fascinating discussions on rigs and carp behaviour that i've ever read. it's given me a lot to think about. at the moment i tend to use short rigs, 4-6 inches, and i tend to get really good hook holds and catch at least as many as anybody else on the lake i am fishing. however i think these short rigs must make the fish a lot more weary around the rig and free offerings. wouldn't it be better to make the fish more confident in feeding and put more emphasis on disguising the rig as opposed to hooking efficiency. i'd rather get three times as many bites and miss half of them (still a catch rate improvement of 50%)
  9. Does anybody know of any lakes within 45 minutes of coventry? I'm looking for somewhere which doesn't have too high a stocking density and isn't TOO filled with anglers. Fish to over thirty pounds would be an added bonus. Thanks in advance
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