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  1. It works out at £1.70 a pint, 85p would be a real bargain!!! Yes I shall ask him, think I'll be popping in for some gear in a few weeks time. I'll let you know what he says.
  2. Well we know the guy quite well and he assured me they were good quality mags, it could have been cheaper for lesser quality, so yeah sounds like a bargain if you paid £3 a pint. Dave
  3. Yes mate! Good or bad?
  4. Cheers guys Had a quote from my local tackle shop, good quality mags for £85. I like the idea of using dead maggots, think I may use 1/2 and 1/2. Thanks for your help, it's all been taken in. I shall let you know how I get on. Dave
  5. Hi I'm off to abbey lakes (France) in April and was thinking of using maggots on one rod. I've never used them before, but know of people which have had good results at other venues. I'm thinking of taking 50 pints, which is roughly £100, do you think this would be enough for one rod on a weeks session? I'm thinking of boating out large pva bags, they're roughly 150mm x 100mm, which I could maybe get around 1/2 a pint in. I'm one for putting out a bit of bait, and I just think those maggots in one pva bag will wriggle away on 5 mins and leave my hookbait! I'll have a play in the margins before I start, and have a play in my pond before I go. Any advice on quantities to chuck out, how to get them out there, or if I'm even wasting my time using them at abbey!! Many thanks Dave
  6. Crikey mate what a brace. You'll do well to top that weekend!! Thanks for the info mate, just over three weeks now can't ruddy wait. Cheers Dave
  7. Hello Nick Thanks for the info, nice to have a bit of inside knowledge before casting out. I'm fairly nifty with the marker rod, and shall take my time and find some good spots before sending the baitboat out. I'm pleased you had a good weekds fishing Looking forward to going, 4 weeks now. Thanks for your time, I shall let you know how I get on. Dave
  8. Hello Lee thanks for the reply. So are you basically saying that you had nothing out in mid water over the bars at 40 yards? Also were the guys in pegs 1 and 2 casting down to your left margain or were they leaving you plenty of room! Thanks for your help, it's just nice to know what to expect before you get there Many Thanks Mate dave
  9. Hello Chaps I'm off to V1 on the 10th of July can't wait. Fishing Peg 10, my 2 mates are in Peg 9. They were the only 2 swims left on that week so hadn't a choice. Oh well I'm sure we'll catch a fish or 2. Glad to here you had a good experience out there, my turn soon. Dave
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