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    668, the neighbour of the beast

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  1. Got an aquantance that lives and fishes in denmark and the comment about predator fishing is about right. There is good roach,perch, chub, (think the chub record there is in low double figures, think perch record is in the seven/eight pound bracket ) and of course a fair bit of trout fishing. Might be worth googling "anglers world holidays" as I'm certain they advertise fishing holidays in Denmark. I believe the north in the hemisphere, the less carp there are (vice versa for pike). Don't ask me why as it's to do with science and big words
  2. So with that idea in mind, a critically balanced bait would be pointless A heavier bait would be required for this theory to work.
  3. ozric


    Nope. Blowback, D-ring ant straight forward hair rigs mainly on my current venue but it's a new water to me so I'm learning what's what. Last venue I was on utilised stiff rigs and silt rigs a lot.
  4. ozric


    Not a case of which rig is favourite, more to do with how suitable for the carp or conditions of a particular venue. For example, Scorpion rig is a big fish only rig, it's too damaging to smaller carp. The rules on the venue I fish doesn't allow helicopter or silt/chod rigs. Snake rig is really only something to be used on heavily pressured waters. Stiff rigs are limited to fish that feed by picking baits rather than those that suck/blow as they feed. Right rig for the right conditions
  5. ozric

    D rigs

    Started to play with the wychwood crimping set up for booms but too early to offer an opinion yet. For D rings hook lengths I have not had any probs with 15lb Ghost but cleat trilene is fine to use. If you do fancy a go crimping it's no good with fluoro carbon material. Fluoro I understand doesn't like to be compressed hence why certain knots are unsafe to use.
  6. Think I have just got to stop reading carp mags some of the guys at work bring in. Just complicates your own fishing.
  7. Don't think so. The tubing looks tight and is positioned at the centre of the curvature (round bend hook ), Can't see it being a blow back rig.
  8. Not talking about wigs I have seen a lot of rigs in magazines recently where the hair is trapped with not one but two pieces of silicon so the the hair/line follows the curve of the hook with the actual hair coming off the bend as opposed to off the shank. In my mind this doesn't seem right, surely the hook has less chance to catch if the bait is blown out with this type of presentation ? Or am I missing something ?
  9. I'll go for 4. Other Kryston multistrand
  10. Glad the pair of you sorted out the blowback rig. Have to admit when Nick started mentioning silicon I thought I was doing something wrong but was a bit to ask Not heard of silicon being used in the blowback but I can now understand why you were so negative of the rig Nick.
  11. when you say pop up rig what type? Hinged or just a braid with shot? Bait on the hair or D ring presentation? What type/size of hook?
  12. Question for you using Blowback rigs. I know that there are times when you get "sussed", but every time you get sussed with a Hair rig then the rig is still suitable to catch. If you get sussed with a Blowback rig and have no indication, then you could have a rig that is no longer able to catch fish until you recast at next reeling in time. Doesn't that thought put you off using them? If the carp are suckers as opposed to pickers, surely as they inhale the bait, the blowback rig and bait is repositioned for the rig to work to its design ?
  13. My tackle box now feels that it's lacking now. You've given it an inadequacy complex.
  14. Little piece of black rig foam on a size 18 or 16 over hemp was my top tench bait for a coule of seasons
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