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  • Location
    Stourport on Severn
  • Interests
    Motor sport and fishing

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  1. Hmmm!! But I'm no Phil Mitchell......more like Billy to be honest
  2. I will admit that my reference to visiting Reizand's workplace comes across as a threat. I meant to imply that Bob is keen to "talk to him". No aggression is implied and I apologise to Reizand unreservedly for what I can only describe as very bad wording. To clarify the situation, and put it to bed as far as I'm concerned, Reizand voiced his point of view with regard to his bad experience at Cobbleacre. I didn't have a problem with that and voiced my point of view referring to my good experiences, more or less to give a balanced and objective point of view. If you read through the threads, Reizand decided to attack my view and made everything personal. I don't have an axe to grind with reizand, I don't even know the guy, but I didn't feel there was a need to attack me. Rightly or wrongly, I retaliated. I stated in an earlier posting that Reizand appeared to have a complete downer on the place and I went on to say that I respect that. What I don't agree with is making ubsubstantiated accusations against an individual, unless you can back up your statements with hard facts, and I'm not talking log cabins, fish stocks and the like here. Reizand...I apologise if I've caused offence, but you have more than played your part in all of this. Bob is still keen to talk to you on a one to one basis. He says he is prepared to apologise for the incident that took place between you and his father and will do anything he can to put things right between the two of you. All he wants is an end to the accusations and I don't think that is too much to ask. I also apologise for implying a threat, I genuinely did not mean it that way. That's an end to matter as far as I'm concerned, except to say, give Bob a ring fella....you have nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain.
  3. Seeing as you are online again Reizand (and surprisingly quiet all of a sudden), I thought I'd let you know that Bob is very serious about talking to you. He doesn't know where you live, but he knows where you work. He has tried to contact you there, only to be told you are on holiday this week. Hopefully you will do the gentlemanly thing and call him, if not, I'm sure you will see him next Monday
  4. I can assure you that I'm not Bob if that's what you're thinking. Bob is not registered on this forum, or any other to my knowledge. If you are going to slag someone off, you should at least get your facts right. Bob is not on a percentage, he's on a salary and anyone who has held a similar position will know that the money isn't that good. I've spoken to Bob, several times today and he is aware of your comments, he also knows who you are and would welcome the opportunity to speak to you on a one to one basis in an attempt to understand your grievances. Of course it is easy to take the coward's way out and shout your mouth off when you are able to hide behind a username but are you man enough to back up your slanderous remarks face to face?? Well are you Reizand??? Man or mouse?? Which is it??? You have Bob's number...call him now....he's waiting for your call
  5. I can not think of a week that I've missed this year and for a very small lake I can not see how you've got in caught all these fish and got out without anyone seeing you. 4x30s Joke Loads of 30 cats that's not even funny. seen around 35 to 40 different 20's. How much is Bob paying you to say that. It is correct that there was a lot of singles put in the lake about 18 years ago. I know i helped put them in. It's also true that most are buried behind the kidney pond. I know, I helped bury them. The lake is a fake just as Tav mills was when bob had it. When a fishery manager get a persent of the takings then whats he going to say when someone call and asks how its fishing? Calling somebody else a liar now Reizend???? You have one real bad attitude, perhaps it's time you gave up fishing (don't appear to be that good at it anyhow if all you catch is 5lb carp in a fishery stacked with 20's) and take up anger management.
  6. Spot on m8...take it you haven't seen or caught any of these mysterious 5lb carp either!!!!!
  7. You're right, I do not get there that often, I do a couple of weeks a year. I was there last in June. You clearly have a complete downer on the place and I respect that, but I speak as I find and I stand by all that I have said. I am in touch was a few of the regulars and they would be the first to voice their concerns if things were as bad as you say, but to date I have had no negative feedback at all. As for being a "now famous cobbleacre promoter", as I've already said, I speak as I find and I feel your comment was unjustified and un-called for. Perhaps your anging ability is such that Mario's is too difficult for you or perhaps you are fishing one of the other lakes on the complex by mistake. Personally, I've never had a fish out of Mario's at less than 22lb 2oz.
  8. None of the above matches the "Mario's" at Cobbleacres that I've been fishing. I've never seen a carp come out at less than 16lb, only ever seen two cats less than 17lb and never seen more than 8 people on at a time and I've seen countless fish over the 25lb mark
  9. I'm not sure if I will get moderated for this one, but if anyone wants to stay ahead of the going's on at Cobbleacres, it might be worth checking out www.carpconnection.co.uk. This is a carp forum based in Norfolk dealing predominantly with the Norfolk/Suffolk carp scene. The forum is nowhere like as big as this one but the members are all helpful friendly guys and a hive of information on their local waters.
  10. The lake looks good. All the lakes now have aerators installed. The reeds swim on Mario's is no longer fishable as a result. There are two on Marios but the second is between the lawn and the top bank, not really a hinderance unless something makes a dive for the treeline. The fish were spawning when I was there, apart from my common and the missus's cat, there were about 7 or 8 fish taken during the week, biggest being 25lb. There were a couple of kittens caught so the cats are breeding ok. The previous week had seen 4 or 5 fish out plus a cat of 32lb (confirmed by the regulars) Adams lake has thrown up a couple of 25lb-ers, I think is was three different fish in 10 days. A mate that fishes it on a regular basis, has had over 20 20's since February. (if you are planning your first trip to this venue, don't believe for a minute that it is an easy water...cause it ain't) There are plans to turn Adam's lake into another Mario's. That's if Bob can talk Trevor into parting with some more cash for stock. The tackle shop is looking good now, plenty of stock in a new portacabin. The old portacabin which was the shop, showers and toilets has been gutted and was being refitted when I left with new toilets and showers. I've also heard a rumour, that Bob is trying to convince Trevor to purchase the field behind Marios for another lake. Trevor is also supposed to be retiring and handing the reigns to his son, Andrew and everyone who knows Trevor and Andrew, can't wait for the change to take place. At the end of the day, they are both businessmen with a passion for making money, the difference being that Andrew appreciates the need to plough some of that cash back into the fishery
  11. I can only speak from experience. Recently got back from my second trip to Cobbleacres. I found Bob to be honest and most helpful. Details given to me by Bob were backed up by a few of the locals I know up there (Its a five hour trip for me) It is certainly not an easy water by any stretch of the imagination. On my last visit, i had a 22lb 2oz Common and lost two bigger fish, and the missus had a catfish at 28lb on the nose, having lost another one the previous night. As for bait, the majority of the season ticket holders do not use a lot of bait. Large beds of bait spook the fish as does spodding. A bait boat is a must to hit the swims under the islands. While i've been there, there have never been more than 8 anglers on at any one time, including season ticket holders.
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