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Everything posted by discocarper

  1. A couple of things.. Nowhere did i say that a business in France doesn't have to be declared there.. Nowhere did i say that a non registered business won't or can't be closed down.. As for your 'friend' there has got to be more there than meets the eye there! Knowingly... The reality is that of the hundreds of thousands of anglers over the last 20 odd years who have fished 'non registered' fisheries in France i have NEVER heard of one single customer of a commercial fishery that has had their tackle confiscated on a raid due to the business not being registered. The reality is, the odds on being on a water when it's being raided as an illegal business are minimal to say the least, and then the odds on having your tackle confiscated must be virtually non existent. In fact you've probably more chance of it being stolen! I do understand your motives for 'scaring' people off from fishing a 'non registered' fishery (i presume you run a registered venue) but scaremongering is all it is when you look at the reality of suffering the concequences you outline whilst fishing here. Alan PS I'm not a lawyer, but i have fished here since the late 80's and lived here for the last thirteen.
  2. Really !! You live a very sheltered life my friend. The French are the same as anywhere else in the world, if they can fiddle the taxman they will. ! The 'black economy' in France is thriving as it is everywhere. The main example is houses. A substantial proportion of properties sold in France involve a certain amount of 'cash' to lower notaires fees.
  3. Sorry mate but most of that's a load of tosh. Firstly, the fishery owners tax details have NOTHING to do with a customer who fishes it. It's 100% the owners responsibility in regard to his taxes, therefore it is NOT illegal to fish a water that does not have a siret number, in the same way it's not illegal to buy something from a shop that doesn't pay it's taxes. Secondly, public liability insurance isn't in any way connected to a siret number, as it's possible to get PL insurance in France whilst having your business declared in the UK. What you say would only apply if you had lied to the insurance company and said you were a declared business in France when you weren't.
  4. Brilliant, thanks very much. Looks exactly what i need, plus an electric point.... The missus will be well pleased ! Alan
  5. Hi there Thanks for the reply. Can i camp by the lake ? Regards Alan
  6. Hi all I live in France now, i have lots experience fishing in France during the 80's/90/s (Lac du der, Mimizan, Freteval, etc) and since i moved here in 2000 but what i'm looking for is somewhere i can camp (proper tent, 'camping holiday style' not bivvy) with the missus. Thing is she wants a camping holiday, and i really do not want to go to one of those 'structured' camp sites, so i thought i could kill two birds with one stone here (i'm sure the fellas know where i'm coming from!) The ideal venue would be a lake (prefer large carp, difficulty not an issue) where we can camp at 'lakeside' so i can fish 24hrs, and maybe a shower facility nearby. Were looking to go in September, UK owned venues would be fine but not interested in a puddle surrounded by bivvies for £300 a week! Thanks in advance Alan PS I'm a previous fishery manager in the UK and in France so litter, noise etc isn't an issue!
  7. What do you mean 'Stupid prices' the price hasn't changed here, it's the plummeting pound that that makes it appear that way. 1 Euro here is 1 Euro end of, the Fench (and the rest of Europe) don't give a toss that our currency fluctuates every other day If people can't do without 'Brown sauce' for a few days in France, either bring it with you or pay the price without the moaning !!!! Or God forbid try some French food and maybe enhance the whole experience Disco
  8. Getting caught by a Bailiff walking around without permission is a sure way of NEVER getting a ticket IMO... Alan
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