The FAL rig is not a new rig unlike the pebble rig, I dare say it will not be long before someone claims to have invented that!
The FAL rig fell foul to his writing on his fishing as a syndicate member, the rig used was something he tinked with and named due to the "FAL culture" on that venue .
FAL is not really his style at all, he is constantly tinkering with baits and rigs, casting out every 20 mins in most cases and results in some very good fish capures.
When he does get the chance his writing is some of the best I have read, the trouble is with his sponsorships and consultancies he is expected to mention products and method applications where used.
I too get fustrated when reading this companys swivel and that companys hook on that make of rod, especially when they are mostly all out of the same factories in china.
I proof read, edited and typed up his FAL adventure with little addition, one I think he thoroughly enjoyed, FAL was Ronnies rig as are several more famous ones under other peoples names.
Lets hope he gets pen to paper very soon