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  1. wierd rig Lol i think i will stick to my simple BUT effective one's
  2. i made a couple with 15lb leadcore lol
  3. my moto Keep it simple
  4. erm what about water knot
  5. i would use the korda flying back lead you can take them of and one when you want rather than cuttin gline etc....etc...
  6. because of it low diametre and no not for new comers becasue the hair can be a pain when putting a stop in it just stick to mono when your new comer i have caught many big fish on mono hook links
  7. beeso


    yer i know i have put a safety link on it so if it did break elastic the safety link come into action
  8. beeso


    okies dokie
  9. beeso


    epoxy (steel) i have made a inline lead with float slid thorught it and elastication throught the float then i coverd the whole lead and float it epoxy a mixture of too clues is it safe.it say you can use it for water pipes if they burst clue it back so i presume it safe to be in the water because of it wouldnt be safe to use it on your water pipee
  10. `hello just wondering if a short hook link of 4-5 inches is a ok size what is the advantages and disadvantages.
  11. ẁooo someone replayed after al them times woohoo haha yer it is fiary easy lol
  12. i will try that then i have alredy made two small hook link about 4 inch's 1 with a hair 1 without and i can attach it to the line thanks's for the tips.
  13. hello any tips on how to us and make the lift method thanks
  14. hello has any one heard of the f.a.l rig used by ron buss it stands for Flick it Out and Leave it it is a bit like a running rig only midififed i will try and get a picture and show yas
  15. did you read than is a carp mag lee jackson waz using it and he made 2 more rigs snowman and the 360*
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