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Everything posted by evans

  1. What leadcore do you people rate? Just had a look and their seems to be a lot
  2. I want to use the chod rig, so im thinking trying to use the loop to loop would be tricky. As my hooklink would be threaded on the leadcore. Is there any other knot i can use? The questions im asking may sound basic but ive never used leadcore before and just want to make sure everything i do is safe.
  3. Thanks thats the splicing sorted. But what are the best knots to use to attach the leadcore leader to your mainline?
  4. Can anyone please tell me how to splice leadcore. I have been told before a few years ago but it seems to have gone from my mind! Also what knots are best to use to attach the leadcore leader to your mainline? Please help! Many thanks Evans Tight Lines
  5. in the where to fish section sould it not be in the rig tying section!!!
  6. evans

    Rig lengths

    theres no way i can say it completly depends on the water your fishing
  7. none of them mate
  8. I wouldnt use a black braid use ESP sink link its very supple
  9. im using it now and its fine cheers for your help
  10. what problems did they have the 15lb braid cheers evans
  11. hi all. i have started using korda hybrid coated braid but finding hard to strip. the only way i can strip it is with my teeth but this is damaging the braid. do any of you have any ideas cheers tight lines evans
  12. evans


    my mate has accidentally caught carp on it when cat fishing they went up to about about 19lb
  13. im using korda hybid the coating on it is very strong i cant strip it with my nail ive tried using my teeth but that damages the braid if your not carefull also putting it in warn/hot water doesnt help do any of you use hybrid and how do you strip it
  14. korda wide gape B they are teflon coated barbless and very sharp with a very good hook hold all that for just £3 50 for ten
  15. evans


    korda wide gape £3 50 for 10 they come in both barbed abd barbless
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