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carp_mad_man's Achievements

  1. I use a little bit of a twig easy to put in the loop and looks more natural. sam
  2. I love korda tackle and would say korda easy to thread on your mainline sinks still need putty though and belnds in brilliantly. sam
  3. no.
  4. size 8 long shank x from korda.
  5. hi all i have heard from me dads mate that use a a hair 1 an a half times or even a 3rd times bigger than your favourate but then in the angling news paper it says keep the hair as close to the hook as possable but i have it half a inch off the bend. when i go fishing again i will try all three same bait and same rig what are your oppinuins? thanx sam
  6. I ALWAYS USE LONG SHANKS BECAUSE OF THE STRAIGHT POINT IT WILL CATCH HOLD QUICKER THEN ANY OTHER. btw i would use wide gapes as pop up rig and long shank for anything but poping up the wide gapes are smaller and i would think lighter to.
  7. braided hooklink size 8 korda longshank x.
  8. i think the idea of shrink tube is brillient but i have had more times when the hook didnt turn atall then when it turns in to the fishes mouth any tips or pointers plzz?
  9. why, when and where should i use a stiff link like korda hybrid or camo skin?
  10. ok then thanx oh and yes i do use boltrigs.
  11. 2.5-3oz korda inline square pear.
  12. oh yeah sorri wasnt thnking thanx.
  13. those who have saw the korda underwater 1 dvd will have noticed that he caught on balenced and unbalanced rigs do you think we will catch on unbalenced or shall i stick with balanced?
  14. ok thanx fella!
  15. what are the advantages of using heavy or light leads?
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