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Everything posted by baz_t

  1. what a great fun lake that is, i've had days there were i've had to reel in for a drink as it's been such fast action, as soon as a pva bag hits the water carp attack it IF you put it in the right place! as already mentioned the best swims are the ones facing the island, but get it CLOSE as close as you can as it cuts under. as boilies are banned, i used 14mm halibut pellet drilled on the hair, with a small pva stocking net bag of mixed size pellet, tho at night to slow down the action from small carp stick out a 22mm pellet as this will just get you the double figure fish and allow you some sleep (well it worked for me) the grass carp love surface baits down there, and have been seen taking leaves off the surface, tho lunching meat in the margins work very well for them also. my best fish from there was an 18lb 8oz ghosty tho i only fished the place for a couple of months tops and on my last trip john had just stocked 6 20's to join the already large amount of fish in there. ask john the bailiff about tactics when he comes round, he'll help you out (very nice chap) best of luck baz
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