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Everything posted by carpoholic

  1. Owner hooks all the way Elmo
  2. Not sure about the tfg leaders but I used the Wychwood leaders in France last week using the brown 1m ones in conjunction with a figure of 8 knot and had no problem using them. If you use the wrong knot however they will braeak.
  3. Break the coating with your teet and strip it back between your nails............no problem:)
  4. Hi ronnie. Cant see why you cannot use them on the pole as we all use braided hooklinks for normal carp fishing and do not do any damage. PS Can you avoid text talk as it's difficult to read
  5. A tube threader is a length of fine stiff wire with a loop. You thread the wire down to the end of your tubing,place your line into the loop of the wire and pull the wire back through the tubing and "hey presto" the lines threaded through You can do the same with fuse wire if you play around.
  6. Use a gardner tube threader for anti-tangle tubing. You might if you are careful get away with fuse wire as well.
  7. carpoholic

    yank rig

    I think it's to create it's own gravel hot spot :D
  8. Only the mainline has a problem for me unless you are looking for distance. If not it would be 12lb minimum. Hooks go for wide gapes from Korda or Nash Fang
  9. You will only damage the braid. Just warm the outer skin in hot water to soften it if you need to. I never need to do it that way, just use your teeth to strip it.
  10. Look at this link chap Mag aligner
  11. Hi all I do not like or wish to you barbless hooks due to the mouth damage I have seen. However a couple of waters I will be fishing both here and in France require their use. I cannot get away with microbarbed or crushed barbs so what do believe is the best for pop-ups and for bottom baits.
  12. I have been using braid for 11 years and have always put a mono shock leader on as it gives you a bit of stretch under the rod tip.
  13. Rather than explain how to make them, which may confuse you why not try getting a rig book (fox do one) or pop onto the Korda site which has detailed pictures of rigs Korda rigs or look through the carp.com magazine entries over the last few months.
  14. If you do not want to use a manufactured plastic stop from the shops use dry sphagetti.
  15. Super specialists for floater work. Ashima 887 for snag fishing. ESP raptors for bottom baits Korda longshanks for pop-ups Owners for real stiff rigs. I don't believe one hook will perform all tasks
  16. The reason for using a mono shockleader is to give you an element of stretch to absorb the shock of casting big spods. I have seen others using straight braid having problems. It suits me and no need for a finger stool as well.
  17. Nothing more than a "pocket rocket". Best bet is to buy a dedicated spod rod about 4 1/2lb test curve will do it, a big pit / sea reel loaded with 30lb floating braid topped off with a 30lb mono shockleader.
  18. Steam is the best way, as you would with shrink tube. Hold it close to the steam under tension, after a few seconds take it away from the steam still under tension and leave it cool for 30 seconds. If you want to keep them straight place in a stiff rig wallet under tension or use a MCF rig twig.
  19. Korda did have a problem with their 4 seasons mesh and it was re-called from the shops and replaced. I fyou have a problem I belive all you have to do is return it from where you purchased it from for a replacement.
  20. Find your fish first and work your way through the list.
  21. You got it in one
  22. Not used myself as yet but look at this article in Carp.com Mag aligner
  23. You can't. Try a reverse combi rig with either a stainless ring or a swivel with ring attached.
  24. carpoholic

    winter rig

    Smaller hooks (10) and 10lb Fluro if fishing clear areas.
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