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  • Location
    Basildon, Essex
  • Interests
    fishing and NFL

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  1. is that for a pop-up? wouldn't use it for bottom baits, the hair wouldn't work in my opinion
  2. robaldinho


    i use it to tie my lil' chod rigs... and over silt(the black one)
  3. Strip Teaze
  4. pointless using braid as a mainline in my opinion... always have to wet the spool... and overpriced but hooklink... i rate strip teaze(ESP)
  5. always put the line back through towards the pint of the hook mate
  6. i'm confused
  7. seriously hate the korda wide gapes... i use them but i hate them because i once got on stuck in my leg and i couldn't pull it out... not even with pliers so it was off to A&E, what fun
  8. tie your mainline to the loop in one end of the leadcore and tie your rig on to the swivel... you can use wateva strength mainline you want
  9. amnesia for fishing over suilt, strip teaze for general use and a trakker fluorocarbon for silt, weed, pop- ups etc.
  10. bait floss is just unwaxed dental floss, you used to be able to buy it but unfortunately you can't anymore
  11. either straighten the line over steam or rub it on your knee so that the friction causes it to heat up and it straightens
  12. strip teaze is good... i got it in 15 lbs... no problems so far... i bet i've just jinxed myself
  13. whats the best hook pattern for fishin a big 30mm homemade boilie topped with a 15mm pop up? lately i've been using the muggas, these are quite good but i'd just like some different opinions
  14. the bigger 1s are designed to fly back further... hope that helps
  15. use 2 small pieces of rig tubing to create a double blowback rig
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