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Everything posted by carpmandan

  1. Say wot you see and wot you see say it LMAO
  2. Was wondering if anyone could explain how you critically balance baits and wot sort of rig to use with such a balanced hook bait. You see i have only ever used botom baits and would like to use pop ups a bit more. Any help would be greatly appriciated. May thanks Dan
  3. do u think it would work if i joined both swivels by quick link but then this would be part of my main line would it hold? If not any 1 no any good knots to tie a hooklength to quick link
  4. carpmandan


    Hi guys iam new to carp fishing but i want to ask ur advise. My main line is fox soft steel 15lb camo then attached to a 45lb camo lead core leader which has a lead clip and cone on also a swivel on end my hook lenght is 6 " armadillio braid 15lb with size 6 nash fang with swivel also on the end. i need to no a way of joining both swivels together from the leader to hook length would a multi clip work so i could change hook lengths easy any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. thanx alot m8 tight lines
  6. Hi can any1 tell me how back leads work as i havent got a clue diagrams would help many thanx tight lines
  7. Lo guys and girls iam goin to start using pop ups maybe nash flouros or maybe just normal 1s any help on how to attach these or the best rig for 1 would be great thanx Dan
  8. Cheers m8 help alot tight lines!
  9. Hi guys was goin to start using a marker float with a fox explorer on the end can any 1 show the best way to fix together a rig for this and has any 1 used a explorer b4 wot did u think of it?best way of using 1? any feed back would be great cheers dan.
  10. hi peps was goin to attempt a leader rig i got 15ld fox soft steel camo main line and a 25lb fox camo leader was wondering if any 1 could show me or tell me a good rig for this and how to attach hooks as i have never used leaders b4 thanx dan
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