Atlast, differing oppinions and a decent debate...
I agree with a few bits, but totally dissagree with numerous others, saying all progression rigs are designed to fill mags in not true, maybe everynow and again it may be the case but to say it comprehensively is not right...
Unquestionabely we over credit the Carps INTELLIGENCE, what we dont over estimate is their instinct, carp learn by association If a carp gets hooked or spooked reguarly in one swim, on one bait, on one rig it will undoubtabley wise up and has been the case on the majority of the waters I fish... The exception to the rule would be waters with a substantial head of carp where feeding is a competition...
I have been in the presence of numerous article writers who are using progressive rigs that they have published, remember back to Tels Spinner rig, he created that awful looing rig and fished it on the top waters in the Country his success is unparreled, I can vouch for him using this rig, I also use it myself to great effect with pop ups... I have also seen Rob using his maggot rig exstensively although it has been published.... Yes on numerous occasions rigs are designed to sell produts, but by no means all the time...
As I have said before, and numerous others also, the Key to Carp fishing is the ability to adapt to a situation..
1st you find them, then you concoct a way to fish for them and then you use tackle, baits and rigs that will enable you to do thid properly..
Eg, If I can fish straight on the bottom with no debris it will be a snake bite combi with a critically ballence dbottom bait, if there is debris I will use Tells rig and a pop up, if there is feet of weed I will use a Zig or float fish and so on and So forth. ther are so many people out there with oppinions it is up to you weather you follow them have an open mind, if you read in a carp mag that So and so used this to good effect in this situation and that suits your circumstances then give it a go, dont be a sheep and jump on the "big names make such and such up to sell X,Y &B" because that is not by anymeans always the case...