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Everything posted by colors

  1. went there a few years ago when the fished averaged mid to upper 20s and a few 30s thrown in. the fish since then seem to have piled on the weight and looking at jims blog there are lots of 40s and 50s to be had now. the lake itself is stunning, food package is amazing and jim and jimmy will do everything to help you catch. very good water indeed it'll be a lot harder to fish now than when i went mind due to the fish sizes but there are some lumps in there now
  2. thanks everyone for coming back to me, after looking long and hard at lots of venues that could cater for 7+ people i finally managed to book onto bounty lakes. seems to have everything we are after and that was the place the guys felt would be best for us. thanks again for everyones input though lots of great looking venues on there and if the mrs allows me two trips next year ive got plenty of choice
  3. hi everyone, ive been given the task of finding a suitable water in 2013. our group will be between 4 and 8 people depending on costs and availability etc. also the group has a couple of novices i.e. used to fishing commercial uk waters catching lots of 10-15lb fish and we also have some more experienced carp anglers who have fairly good water craft knowledge etc. none of us are experts so we dont really want to be going somewhere were we will be catching 1 or 2 fish a week. i suppose we are after a venue that can offer easy fishing for one half of the group but also a decent size stamp of fish for the more experienced in the group i.e. 30lb fish with chance of a 40 we will also be wanting to go to a venue that offers all inclusive option and it would be ideal if there was also tackle hire. any ideas? thanks stephen
  4. cheers leggs, any certain types of rigs or would a standard flurocarbon/braid combi rig be fine? i heard they killed off the weed in hunts or is that just a myth ?
  5. hi chaps, off to linear fisheries in a week or so, hopefully get on hunts corner. never fished the lake myself so just wondering if anyone can give me some tips. bait waise should i stick with boilies or look at maize and tiger nuts? baiting wise is it a single hook bait place, pva bags or spodding type of water? cheers stephen
  6. zander, when you say use a wide gape hook and a small loop, i cant picture this. are you saying tie the hook to the fluro with a loop type knot like you would at the swivel end for using quick change swivels?
  7. i must sound really thick here, wouldnt the hair just unravel as its not tied to anything? not sure if i have got this right but from what i made out i would tie fluro to my hook with a grinner knot or blood knot. then i make my hair with some braid and whip the braid around the hook like you would with a knotless knot. what is there to stop the braid from just unwhipping itself off the hook shank?
  8. maybe a daft question but i still want to use a full fluro hooklength but the actual hair i would like to use a supple braid. how do i tie the hair to the hook? i know i can use the combi rig but this means having part of my actual hooklength as braid, i would prefer to have all fluro hooklength and just the hair itself as braid, any ideas?
  9. beanz i will try that knot, hopefully it will sort my rigs out
  10. hi nash_gadgeteer, i tend to use the fox arma points too. i tried tying up a full fluro rig with a fox ssc hook and even after straightening the flurocarbon the hook was turning in on itself too much. it seems to be when i tie the knotless knot and put the fluro back through the eye the hook is pushed virtually to a 90 degrees angle which just looks odd. i was thinking of using a different type of hook maybe something with an outturned eye like a chod hook but im not sure these would be great with bottom baits?
  11. just about to buy some fox illusion xs mainline and i dont know whether to get 15lb or 18lb. i will be fishing places like linear fisheries and wyreside. i know if i was going for x line ive been told to get 17lb is this the case for the fox illusion too?
  12. never really used flurocarbon hooklengths before but im fishing a lake with really clear water so want to give it a go. i've heard you can have problems with flurocarbon making the hook turn in on itself? is there any particular hook i should be look at for my rigs, both for bottom and pop ups?
  13. hi mrs rushes, sorry if im being a bit thick but where i find the sponsored sites? is it still on the forum? sorry
  14. ooops forgot to mention, the flying option is something i would be interested in if we could get the flights
  15. thanks for all your help i really apprieciate it. just out of interest, is there a problem at edens? doesnt seem to say anything on their site unless im on the wrong one? one of our group has said to look at malvoisine lake, not sure if anyone knows much about this place, i cant seem to find much on it myself to be honest. blavet valley is another i seem to have stumbled across, any views? cheers again really apprieciate your help
  16. i did have a look at genesis lakes and the only thing thats keeping me looking for other lakes is that we have to take bivvys bedchairs etc which could be a problem if 6 of us are going. when i say next august i mean august 2011 though
  17. hey everyone, looking to go to france next august and was hoping for some help with a venue. we are a mixed bag of 4-6 anglers some really good others would struggle on a hard water. so what im really after is somewhere that we will get plenty of runs. im not after 40 and 50lb fish just a nice stamp of 20lbers with the chance of a 30 would be great. we would want somewhere that does food where we can take a break off the lake to eat etc. price wise well 400 max for fishing and food per angler. if the place hires tackle that would be an added bonus, just saves us hiring a van etc. most important is the fishery though, we really want somewhere well run that can offer plenty of action. any ideas?
  18. hey chaps, off to wyreside st michaels in a few weeks. there will be two of us fishing together and we would like to fish pegs next to each other so was just hoping someone could recommend a couple of productive pegs that are side by side?
  19. hey chaps just wondering for a bit of help. been out of carp fishing for two years now, got a bit disheartened with it all but can feel the bug coming back again. i used to fish wyreside in lancaster a fair bit as it was close but i dont fancy going there again just yet for a few reasons. so i was hoping for some other recommendations. at first i was looking at four seasons in blackpool but after reading pretty bad views on the quality of fishing on here thats put me off. the other two venues up north i was thinking was wyreside st michaels and lakemore (horseshoe lake). never fished either complex so i dont know how difficult or pressured etc either is and if its worth the visit? i also dont mind travelling two or three times a year a bit futher a field and was at first thinking of linear fisheries either oxlease or hunts corner. ive not been there for about 6-7yrs so i dont know how much its changed or what the fishing is like, also dont want to travel for 3 hours and not get a peg as i dont think you can book on. so would anyone be able to point me in the right direction of some other fisheries? 2-3hours drive from lancs is fine. fishing wise im not after 30s, high doubles and low 20s suits me fine just want a bend in the rod. i know all day ticket waters are pressured now but if anyone knows some quality fisheries or any info on the above that would be great. thanks stephen
  20. does anyon have any info on a place called red hot lakes? the website info etc makes the lake sound amazing and the owner does as well, has anyone ever been there before?
  21. hi, im off to france in a month or so it will be my first trip fishing abroad and im going to moulin de mee i think thats how its spelt. i was just hoping someone could give me some pointers regarding baits over in france? when i fish in the uk most places are that overfished it tends to be single hookbaits or small pva bags as there is that much bait going in. what kind of tactics would people recommend in france? lots of pellets? particles? spodding? or similar to uk? also regarding hookbaits is there a trend over in france as to what works better i.e. boilies? maize? bottom baits? pop ups? fish flavoured baits fruit etc etc? any advice would be great as i dont want to get there and not brought the right bait. cheers ste
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