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Everything posted by markspod

  1. I'll get a couple of tench and see
  2. I've got the V2 and it is good, goes up easily, comes down & packs away easily, has loads of room, however, my one bug bear is, having spent years working out their bivvys needed something to stop raining coming in the front door why didn't they put a peak on it. When it rains it's like I've gone back 5 years with the floor getting wet from the drips. TBH I lot like a numpty and make a peak with a golf umbrella strapped to the tension bar. No doubt V4 will have a peake
  3. The fish are still going strong. The only thing I would say is, even though I only feed them floating food they still have days where they rip the bottom to bits looking for god knows what, which leaves the water really cloudy for anything up to a week
  4. I'm missing the regular updates to this thread Have you given up?
  5. 5lb at the most. BTW I had a mistype it's 4, not 3
  6. 3+ black
  7. Just the reality of lasting a week if the going is tough, when there's an easy option to go home. I'm not having a go I just know I wouldnt last past a 3rd day of blanking in England
  8. I've not got a place to recommend but just question a week in the UK? I do France and have been for the past 26 years (sometimes twice a year), the thing is I've been blanking up until the Thursday night before and then had a mental 36 hours!! I know had I been in England it would have been too easy to wind in and go home.
  9. I'm hoping to get them feeding on the camera later in the year, which I'll post if succesful
  10. biggest is about 4lb. They were fry rescued from a shall of perch 8 years ago. TBH they need to move on to a larger water, but rules don't allow it now days
  11. Yes mate, I'm hoping to get some feeding shots in the spring
  12. Here's my first attempt with my GoPro http://youtu.be/A2l3fYwCUmo?a
  13. I'm a member. You can now fish nights first year. The Sutton lakes are far too busy so I've never even fished them, just see the car park full so go up the road to Kirby. At Kirby Westminster has bigger fish but fewer than viaduct. Both nice lakes but again quite busy. Devon road is an extra £180 on your ticket and has retained the strange hours of fishiñg from 4am - 10pm and you must be out of the car park and off the grounds during the non fishing hours. Not easy to get a ticket but a DA post code helps. They've also got a new lake (Bennetts) which is one for the future as just stickies growing up at present which average low doubles with the biggest so far being 16lb
  14. Its gone (well the lake is still there) along with most of the fish 9removed by the previous who lost the lease. No fishing at present but this may change in a year or two subject to on going "things"
  15. I fish it sometimes, A really is a runs water, I had 18 runs landing 15 fish first trip out this year (March) but the sizes are generally small (my catch ranged between 9 & 15lb). There are a few 20's in there but hard to get. B is an awesome lake with only a few fish but big! I've yet to actually land any but have lost 2 good fish in the reeds.
  16. Depends what you want? If it's a fishing trip then there are bettter and far cheaper places to go. If its an all in holiday, breakfast, dinner etc with a bit of fishing (stuck on the complex) then it maybe OK for you?
  17. I use them, but not if pulling the link through a bag, as theres no need as its nigh on impossible to tangle with a bag on it.
  18. Any syndicate which needs to advertise is unlikely to be what you're looking for.
  19. Awesome bait. I rolled many kilos back in the late 80's early 90's
  20. Use a 30Lb nylon leader (about 30 foot long). Due to the lack of stretch in the braid unless you are releasing a big chuck at the correct point you're likely to crack off
  21. He will in deed
  22. Hi Dave, yes I had the largest fish until the last day when Aarron pipped me with a 58 It's even harder to get on there than when u had it. We've got an exclusive booking for Aug 2014, & Aarron & me are on the reserve list for May.
  23. Thanks chaps
  24. 39Lb 46.07 55.01 The deadly rig
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