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  1. koed


    or this mate
  2. koed


    have a look at this one
  3. koed


    or you could try a boilie with a maggot ring /clip best of both worlds
  4. koed


  5. koed


    here is two
  6. these
  7. have a look at these mate i hope that they help
  8. koed

    Hair Rig

    and i equalled my p b
  9. koed

    Hair Rig

    yes but you have to remember ive only been carpin for 30 odd yrs
  10. koed

    Hair Rig

    the hair is part of the hook link if i want to shorten it i use tube. have used this method for a long long time.. mind you my p b is only 7lb but you have to remember i have only ever caught 5 carp
  11. koed

    Hair Rig

    i dont have a knot on mine as i whip the hair into my knot on the hook
  12. koed


    i use it for my combi rigs .. top stuff
  13. have a look at this
  14. http://uk.wrs.yahoo.com/;_ylt=As6fYMoAMLEUK7GA_yoWaiNLBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTBjcWlmbGY5BGwDV1MxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12bd1sl41/EXP=1129581425/**http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fishandfly.co.uk%2Fknots%2Fdoublegrinner there you go
  15. i never use bigger than a 8 .. i use 4 oz leads most of the time too
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