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Everything posted by jungle_bum80

  1. I have been informed that this trilene is what it says, so 12lb will break at 12lb but who no's. " only the people who test it"
  2. I love a good old debate:p I actually use the 25lb version of the IQ as a leader which is very good. It seems to keep everything very tidy on the bottom and for this i like it. The esp ghost is also good for different reasons, i use the ghost for my stiff rigs becouse the 12lb version is very stiff for its diameter compared with the 12lb version of IQ which is soft. Berkely big game has been the line i use for a while know and is excelelent, just started using the new trilene by berkley which seems to be very good so far, its much thinner than the big game at the same breaking strain which is good. Seems we agree on some things hay mate :p I think the spool you had of IQ must have been a bad one, unfortunatly this happens from time to time probebly due to the amount they produce:D
  3. This game is very much about personal opinion, and we all like different things for different reasons so fair point mate. I willl say that of all of the different fluro hooklinks it is the best iv used but like i say its personal preference. The best thing i can say here is try it for yourself and if your catch rate improves then keep using it is it doesent then try something new:p I thjik that flurobarbon is a stiffer material than mono and becouse of this has better anti tangle properties, mono does not straiten like fludobarbon when heat is applied with steam;)
  4. The advantages are mainly that flurocarbon is a non light reflective material so as far as i know it is not as visible as other hooklink materials such as braid and so on, becouse of its invisibility more and more people are using it as an actual line. Its a definate advantage when fishing those clearer waters. The only disadvantage for me is that it is a more delicate material, and more so when using the 12lb version. Hope this helps mate;)
  5. One thing you need to be aware of mate is that IQ is alot more delicate then stealth skin. Its very easy to damage whilst tying knots, when your tying swivels on use a palamar knot as this is a more suitable knot for this material, i dont have a pic myself but im sure there will be somone who does;)
  6. If the tubing is new you can simply suck it through, i know it sounds daft but try it. Make sure the braid that you are pulling through is slack. I use the esp anchor tubing, it stays coiled when taken from packaging but simply run your fingers over it until it straitens. you all think im mad now don't you:p
  7. I was about to add my bit to the original question, but everything you need is in this answer. London geezer said it all, good anwer mate :D
  8. Hello mate the loop in the hair rig only needs to be enough to be able to hook your bait needle through. I personaly have mine quite big so its easier on those cold nights;)
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