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  1. i know what u meen the carpcould end up toeing a length of leadcore behind it but i just make sure i know my knots are reli strong and just take my time playing a fish to minimize chances of the linesnapping. i used leadcore for the first time on wednesday and after a year of carp fishing i caught my first 20Ib+ fish. i think as long as the lead can pass over the leadcore and the leadcore isnt rediculously long then it's as safe as ur going to get it.
  2. do u use a flying bacl lead aswell? what are run rings?
  3. decided that my fishing could probabily benifit from using leadcore after watching korda underwater, and the use of a flying back lead, but i only fish with running leads does any1 else use leadcore and a flying back lead with a running rig and haveyou found that it reduces sensitivity/ bite indication ont the bobbin because of the added weight of the lead core? hould i fish a lead with a wider swivel?
  4. cheers i'll definately give float fishing a go
  5. i've just been cating anywherei couldn't be bothered with featue finding butis it better if i cast to an island? or lilly pads even if the lilly pads are only 5-7ft out? how do you know if the fish are sporning or not ? what should i do if they are??????? How long do u leave your baits in if your fishing a small PVA bag and hookbait?
  6. just lately i've been unable to catch anything but small carp on sweetcorn so i started useing antbait hooker pellets -the halibut oil 15mm ones with a small pva bag of halibut pellets. i've been recasting my baits about every hour. Could someone tell me why i am constantly blanking just lately???? i can't understand why? if your after small to medium sized fish(5Ib+) how oftern should you recast your bait?????
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