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  1. Cambridge is in Cambridgshire! If you can't find a good water in that county, I give up looking elsewhere, as there's so many! Have a look on the Cambridge fish preservation and angling society club ticket, for starters, it's cheap and there's a few big surprises to be had in most of there lakes! Bury St. Edmunds....what's happening at Rushbrooke these days?
  2. Hasse has 2 tickets left, it's £325, near soham. look at lilyfisheries.co.uk It's a pretty good syndicate, all of the swims can produce, so you wont get stictched up! Doubt you'll be able to get straight in ever again, them fish are growing fast!
  3. The thing about Norfolk is, all the best waters are very hush-hush, they don't get talked about on forums...if you're not in the know, it can be very difficult finding out about them, let alone getting on them! As for the best water and it's head and shoulders above everything else in the county, that'd be a no publicity water/complex near Thetford.
  4. Try taking the godmanchester turn, off the A14, then after about 200yards go down a road called "cow lane", drive about 1 mile and you will come to the Woolpack fisheries...the tickets aren't quite as steep!
  5. The lake at Godmanchester is called Monks lake. It's quite an expensive syndicate but has one of the best stocks of big fish in the country. I don't think this is the lake with the carvans! That's Impington Lake and is closer to Cambridge. There is a post House Hotel at one end and a travelers camp at the other.
  6. PM sent to you Brian!
  7. for a bolt rig to work effectivly you need to use a big lead, 3oz+ idealy, if you are not hooking fish with this then the most likly thing that is happening is that the fish are sucking and blowing the bait without getting hooked. To stop this a very sharp hook and a short hooklink (4-5inchs) should sort it out!
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