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Everything posted by sjfbarrett

  1. Yeah, I think from what I read he was pretty surprised, altho had seen some big fish skulking around!! Yeah, I bet every carp angler and his dog will be up there now!! lol. Absolute stunner, would love that in my catch log!! Yeah, looks like it could be getting a bit of bait now too!!
  2. Cool, shame that you blanked, we wend to Woodlakes in Norfolk last Thursday and all I had to show was an 8lb bream! lol. HArdly any locals fishing that, asn the ones that came for a walk were saying the reason no locals fishing it is because of all the rain and cold weather and they know it doesn't fish well in those conditions, great!!! Would defo go back tho, as a lovely place, cabins righ on the lake and you can fish outside!! Would love to go back to goodiford!! They didn't have hot tubs when we were there!! Sounds like they've upgraded it all, wonder if there's a safe path from the lodges to the lake now? Which is 9/10? Are they the ones diagnolly opposite peg 1? How many/big did your mate have? Drunken mums, sounds like it would heva been funny, lol!!
  3. Was that the leicester one or the one in Wales? As this was from the Leicester one I think. Not sure the lodges are finished at the L one? But saw there was one in Wales too
  4. Hope that helps, anything else I can help with please shout Swims were just muddy swims. I think it's overlooked personally, doesn't see that much angling pressure, or it didn't when we were there. The other thing, not sure if it's still the same, is that the cabins are not far away, but you're not able to get to them with ur gear, as you have to cross a stream and up a steep bank!!! We drove round with all our gear in the car!!
  5. View to peg 5 (top pic) and peg 7
  6. Hi all, I fished ther ein 2008, the end of July. Each year we have an annual fishing hol of around 4 days, this was my favourite place so far!!! We didn't know much about it, and found out very little until we got there. There were 5 of us and we booked a peg each, although we only saw one other angler the whole time we were there, so may have been a bit of overkill. I fished in swim 1, my granddad fished the swim diagonally opposite me, and he had the most action!! It was high 20's all the time we were there, so not great fishing weather, but there was a pipe up the far end, and I think all the silt and stuff was pushed either side of the flow, that's where my Gdad was having all his runs from. He had th emost runs, but lost the most too. I fished swim one and we arrived Thursday, everyone had had fish except me and I wiatied until Sunday morning to have a fish, had a coupl eof very round 15lbers. We left Monday, but I went out and fished the same spot for a couple of hours, and I landed this klovely 26lb 11 ghostie, was well chuffed!!!! Definitely worth using the pellets they sell on site as loose feed, as they also feed them all through the year. Just used a five star baits boilie on the hair, but I'm sure any other hookbait will work well. Tried particles, but I think they got demolished by the roach before they hit the deck. It wasn't easy, but the weather was tough, and I reckon if you had some nice warmish overcast weather it could be good. Swim one was the deep end, the other end by the pipe was the shallower end. Will try to put some pics up of the swims. Lots and lots and lots of small roach, so fishing for any other species was difficult. If you get bored, you can always go up to the top lake and have a go up there, as the carp fishing up there was great up to around 18lb, but there was supposed to be bigger in there. Think if I was to go again I'd try to find some silt, feed big baits such as boilies, or fish a zig if it's hot again.
  7. Hi all, was having a look around on Facebook and saw this stunning fish just caught from the above. Absolute stunner - 40lb 2oz - caught on five star baits banana & seed according to Facebook. Anyone ever been? As thinking now that I may take a trip up there, as Leicestershire isn't that far!!
  8. Anyone been to this place this year, eager to learn as much as possible before I go
  9. Anyone been to this place this year, eager to learn as much as possible before I go
  10. End of the summer.
  11. anyone else got any tips for this place, all advice greatly appreciated.
  12. Cheers, that's made my mind up, lol
  13. Did you go? Does anyone have any info as thinking of booking it in may? Fishing and safety info much appreciated.
  14. Thanks. We'd be going start of may, so migh be a bit busier I guess?
  15. Has anyone been here recently? If so how does it fish? Is it still packed at the weekends? Thanks.
  16. Try a maggot feeder or a bag of pva with maggots in, was the only bait we caught on!! ;0)
  17. Thanks all. Most of those things I was already doing, one I may try is the out turned eye. Will give it a go on the local runs stretch of the canal. Might also give the combi rig a go too
  18. Hi all, many moons ago I tried fluorocarbon as a hook link material. But when I hooked a fish it always gave around the eye of the hook and I lost sommany fish that I've never used I since. I was using a normal knotless knot and a fairly normal hook pattern (I think). I'd like to give it another go but would rather not loose any fish again. Anyone got any tips or explanations as to why it kept breaking? I know fluorocarbon is a bit temperamental but enough people use it. Cheers
  19. I'm with you!! It is absolutely lovely, we stayed too for 4 nights. Was tougher fishing than we expected, but that's the way it goes, and we caught plenty so were well happy. Accommodation and the owners were lovely too. What time of year did you go? Wish we had gone in a warmer month, but hey ho.
  20. I'm not saying you have to have them, but when we were there the people that were using them were doing a bit better than us, that's all. Probably says more about our fishing skills than anything else! We went mid April so it was still a bit chilly, but we did catch a few off the top while we were there.
  21. Fishing was tough, a lot of angling pressure and was very busy at the weekends. Bait boats ruled and you needed one to get right close the the bushes where the carp were. We managed a number of carp up to around 21lbs. All caught on maggots!! Tried beds of particles and boilies but nothing. Surface baits were good on both lakes in the right conditions.
  22. Was a baking hot weekend when we went, fished the specimen lake in peg 1. Started on the Thursday and did not have a fish until Sunday. Went to the other lake for a tug ont he line during the days! Had two 15lb carp on Sunday morning. Were due to leave on Monday morning, missus was picking me up at around 10.30, was all packed up at 8 so went for a couple of hours, glad I did as I had a 27lb common ghostie!!!! The rest of my mates had a couple each up to around 18lb. Was a great place, fishing was tough on the speci lake, but the other lake was good fun.
  23. Hi all, Me and some mates are staying at Lower Lakes at the end of April and are thinking of giving Chandos a go for a couple of days on the Trinity Water day ticket. Can anyone give me any info on fishing this water, the usual - swims, tactics, lake bed makeup etc, would be much appreciated. There's a "biggest fish" trophy at stake that really needs my name on it!! I've had a good trawl through their website and it looks a really nice lake, the favourite swims and tactics are easy to see, but am looking for any tips to help win that trophy. Cheers.
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