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Posts posted by david01

  1. david1951, No, I am not a smoker/coke snorter. I do smoke cigarettes and I do enjoy a beer. Hence the reference to holiday atmosphere. I do not see the harm in having a few cans whilst on a fishing holiday. That is not to say I get drunk to the point of not being able to handle fish but I can't see anything wrong in having a few beers whilst fishing.

    I have no vested interest in promoting Dreamlakes. Whilst there, I heard that they were going to remove the self drive option for Lakes 1 & 2. I don't know if there is any truth in this. I hope not because if they do then I probably will not return. If they don't then I will certainly go again.

  2. Well, I returned yesterday from my week's fishing and I have to say I loved it!

    I think it is only fair to share my experience of the place and maybe dis-spell some of the rumours spread around.

    I booked up a trip for me and a mate on the strength of their adverts and didn't really know much about the place. We had booked lake 2. We decided on the 'drive and survive' option as I didn't like the idea of being cooped up on a coach and also wanted the option of having my car so I could go to the shops etc.

    The total cost of our trip was £787 but that also included optional travel insurance at £20 each and 10kgs of bait at £90. So without the bait and insurance that was £325 each. The cost also included the ferry, for which there was a £7.50 fuel supplement. Personally, I don't think that price is too bad.

    We arrived at about 5 am and chatted to the anglers that were finishing their weeks fishing. All those that I spoke with had enjoyed their week. We were last out of the swim draw (sods law) and watched as all the swims that I fancied were taken. There are 30 swims and there was 17 anglers during our week which is 1 less than the maximum. We chose swims 11 & 13 which are in the middle of the lake. I was in swim 13. Unlucky for some?

    Well, not for me! I started catching within 6 hours and basically the swim carried on producing for the rest of the week. I ended up with 46 fish. 5 forties (although my mate brought one of these in as I was already playing a fish on another rod), 12 thirties and most of the rest being 20's (5 being doubles) Good fishing by anyone's standards. Just for the record my PB is a UK caught 43lb 4 oz and I have had numerous fish over 30lb before so I don't class myself as a novice.

    After I had booked the trip, I started some internet searches and was shocked at what I read...the fish are scabby, they kill catfish by pouring petrol down their throats, the bailiffs are w***kers ets etc. I was a bit worried but needn't have been.

    Most of the fish I caught were in good condition. One 43lb fish had a parrot mouth but you can find those in most waters over here. The bailiffs were great, willing to help out where necessary and pass on their knowledge. As for the catfish issue, talking to the bailiffs, it is true that they were keen to remove the catfish as they feel they are detrimental to the development of the carp. To me, this is called fishery management. The catfish that were caught were to be transported to another lake down the road. That is what we were told and can only assume it to be true. I certainly have no reason to doubt them and saw absolutely no bad treatment of these fish at all. In fact, I didn't see any catfish caught but spoke to some lads who I think passed one or two over to the bailiffs but i am not sure of this. I only caught one catfish myself, a small fish on the last night but as it was the middle of the night and hammering down with rain I just put it back.

    Negatives?..well, it depends what you are after in your French fishing holiday. The swims are a little close together it has to be said. It didn't affect my week as there was a gap either side of me but I could see it being a bit tight if someone had moved into swim 12 between my mate and I or into swim 14, but it didn't happen. The changeover time is not very user-friendly either - 7am. I assume this is to accommodate ferry times but packing up at 5 am in the rain and darkness is not a great thought and it was one of the reasons why I chose to drive myself. We chose to leave on the Friday to avoid this. Other than that, you can nit-pick over other things, the swims are lined in concrete so it is not a 'natural' type lake but if you are looking for natural then go and fish one of the big reservoirs or lakes. As I said, in my opinion it is a top spot for a French carp fishing holiday. The other lads we spoke with were top blokes who were after the same thing as us, good fishing with a holiday atmosphere.

    In summary, I think it is a great place for a fishing holiday and don't let the internet b/s put you off!

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