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  1. Not sure where that info come from. I'd say more like quite a few 20's a few high 20's and one fish that goes between 29 and 33lb depending on hte time of year I know the lake had two 30lb fish introduced a long time back and as far as I know these are now mid 20's. Its the second time in 10 years or so the club has stocked fish at low 30's and the second time they just drop back in weight. WHen will they ever learn?
  2. What line are you using on the reel? What breaking strain and how old is it? Could be old line..... could be too light a breaking strain or could be dodgy knots.
  3. Nice one prepee I'm glad the tips were of some use Keep at it and if you want to get the first pick of the swims you need to get there a bit earlier I reckon The bloodwrom bed thing is a funny one. I remember being told by someone that was fishing Hunstrete at the time, that bloodworm beds move around constantly anyway. There will still be bloodwrom on the lake bed for sure. Just look at all the hatches over the next few weeks if it stays warm. Can anyone confirm this about bloodworm patches moving? I have always wondered if this was right Just out of interest, does anyone ever fish the swim by the bridge anymore?
  4. so whats been happening the last few days? Had any out yet?
  5. You have to be careful of those pad roots. Your line can get caught under them and cause problems. I have not heard of any specific bloodworm patches but if you come across bloodworm stuck to your lead, I would fish this spot for sure Make sure you get there really early in the morning too and stay as long as you are allowed. A lot of fish get caught just before dark from memory If I was still fishing it, I would stick one rod out over a good bit of bait and the other rod fished to a different spot with a large pva bag of pellet and chopped boilie Thats what used to work for me but like I said that was quite a few years ago now. Keep me posted and better luck tomorrow
  6. Hunstrete is the right spelling for a start I have fished there but quite a few years ago. I know some of the guys fishing there now and the silt is not a problem at all. Its not that deep that leads and rigs sink into it so don't worry about that. It does hold quite a few 20s and there maybe one 30lber in there. I say maybe cos there are question marks over how the fish was weighed. I heard it went 29lb 15....... the bloke who caught it claimed a weight of 30lb and ounces. Either way, its a nice fish and I would be happy to catch it at any size. Tips I can offer....... hmmmm where to start I would guess the pads are maybe just starting to shoot up from the lake bed. Have you dragged a lead and felt the roots? One good swim where fish used to hang out this time of year was the double swim on the left hand bank. Also, don't ignore the very top end of the lake. Most cant be bothered to walk that far but there used to be a coupl of nice over hanging trees to cast to from the left hand bank again. If the wind is pushing towards the carp park, then I would try the swim next to the toilet. Always turned up a fish or two on the right wind. Bait wise, try get onto a good quality fishmeal. There was a couple of brothers that really filled the place in with fishmeal baits a couple of years back and they caught very well indead! From what I hear, fishmeals are still the dominant and going bait That should keep you going for starters Let me know how you got on today. Good Luck for the rest of the week ps. dont be put off if the weather turns a bit colder, like it is due to. It used to fish really well in cold conditions. These brothers I mentioned only used to fish winters and emptied the place
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