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Everything posted by matte

  1. Hi Happy Man Our group were over at Beauregard the first week in October and we had a great time. 30 fish with the biggest 49lb. Agree with everything Trevor said especially about pegs 6 and 7. The fish will move to were ever the pressure is least. We have also booked to go back next year which is rare for us. Remind me nearer you trip and I'll let you know how we got on. Cheers Matt
  2. Thanks for the info, I'll have a look at those swims on the website. Anybody else been or know much about the place?? Cheers.....Matt
  3. Sounds like a tough week but at least you got amongst a few in the end. What size were the ones you had and which pegs were you in. Cheers....Matt
  4. Hi All A group of us are off to Lake Beauregard later this year and I was wondering if anybody knew how it was fishing recently? I was sure there was a thread on the forum a little while ago but can't seem to find it anymore. Tried the search but no results. Thanks for any help. PM if prefered. Cheers Matt
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