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Joe Quinn

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Everything posted by Joe Quinn

  1. I live in the US and have become “a bit” addicted to UK-Style carp fishing over the past 2 years. In my ongoing quest to increase my angling acumen, I’m considering purchasing a set of bobbins. Unfortunately, growing up as a US angler, I have absolutely zero experience using them (never even heard the term before 2 years ago😵‍💫). That said, I’m hoping to get some sage advise on how best to use them (from setting them up, to adjusting them to suit your personal style/venue). *And lastly, are bobbins even necessary? (I ask this only because all the carp I’ve landed to date have been caught without bobbins! *Regarding that last question: please keep in mind, I’m still relatively new to this style of angling🙃 Happy New Year and thanks in advance - Joe
  2. Thanks for the reply. Sorry for my late reply (been out of commission for a while (bad health).
  3. Trying to decide on a reel for a set of 10ft 3lb Kaizen Green rods. Any ideas???
  4. Not for nothing, but I just broke my second Sonik VaderX Landing Net in the exact same spot (the Y cross bar) trying to put it together/take it apart I really hate them🤬
  5. I fish for carp in the USA (using UK-Style gear/rigs/bait/tactics/etc..). Wondering if anyone can offer suggestions on how to avoid (stop) turtles of any kind, from ruining my sessions? I only started focusing on carp last year, so I still have much to learn, and I have tried fake corn and tiger nuts (soaked in hot sauce), but that’s not working this season for some reason. Any help would be greatly appreciated👍 Thanks so much - Joe
  6. Looking for advice: I live in the US and new to euro-style carp fishing and wanted to try a new, “very small”, weedy offshoot of a lake near me that I know for sure has a few carp in it (after a week of scouting it out). I thought I'd take a single rod out and try for a bite after work. Wondering if I should stick with what I feel comfortable with (method feeder/pack bait and hook bait, with a bit of sweet corn tossed in to attract), or try a new approach (eg., prebait the specific area with corn/pellets/hemp oil, etc., then cast a single hook bait on a hair rig with a weight into the middle of the ground bait)? Thanks for any advice - Joe
  7. I know I'm very late to this thread. Caught my first carp (Mirror) on an olive green Wooly[censored] while fly-fishing for bass using a 6wt. flyrod on the Delaware River in PA. From that moment on I've considered myself a carp fisherman. Up there with Salmon on the fly as far as pure fun and amazing fight goes. My go-to for carp on the fly will always be a black or olive green wooly[censored]!
  8. I can’t say enough good things about the Customer Service at Sonik. Currently dealing with a landing net issue and they are very w quick to respond!
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