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Rick patterson

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  1. Good idea will nip to wessex angling centre see if they know.
  2. Near Wimborne Dorset
  3. Hi does anyone know if you can fish merley pond. I went to the campsite office nobody knew. I didn't have time to wander around the place.
  4. I've had good walk around the lake. I'm amazed nobody is fishing there as it does actually look like a really good place. I'm going down there Sunday with couple carp rod set ups n see how things go.
  5. Thank you for your reply and advice. I agree its a lake that not fished regularly. It always looked like a carp lake to me until someone told me he had a few low double pike out of it several years ago. I've not visited the lake in a few years even though I live 6 miles away. I'm going to go down there tomorrow for a good look around you said a 2nd lake ? Didn't know there was another one there. Thank you for advice will give it a go for pike in October with dead sea baits may even chuck few lures in .
  6. Just wanted to say I'm not a summer pike fisherman. I go for carp n tench during the summer I was just inquiring about pike for some winter fishing.
  7. Hi I've been told there is pike in this lake. If so just after bit of advice what's best bait dead baits or lure fishing I don't uselive baits.
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