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Everything posted by Sparky1964

  1. I’d have to sell them collection only unless seller wanted to pay extra… thanks
  2. Good point about the 3 rods, it may be the way forward. I was originally going to put them on fb until I saw his ad. Still may but put a reserve on. cheers
  3. I’ll watch whatever happens to them other rods… 👍
  4. hi, I have a pair of Bob James Normark carp rods, 2.5lb test curve and 3pc. They’re around 25 years old and used once, I blanked, they are in pristine condition inc the bags they’re in and still have cellophane on the handles. I’ve just seen a similar pair on eBay and I was wondering what mine would be worth. I actually have 3 but i want to keep one, this one hasn’t been out of the bag… I’ll show the ad on eBay and a shot of mine as a comparison has anyone any idea about these? thanks…. Sparky
  5. Cheers for that mate.... I think I’m going to join barnton and frodsham, it seems a small and fairly quiet club which is more what I’m looking for really. This lockdown has made me pretty antisocial if I’m honest and I’d rather be on my own or with very few people around
  6. Before boilies we used cat food mixed with ground bait into a paste, it was deadly trying to keep carp anglers off wasn’t something I’d thought of but I get that
  7. The question wasn’t really about if boilies are the best bait, I just wondered why some fisheries ban them if they’re nutritionally good for fish
  8. why do some lakes have Boilie bans. Back in the 80’s the only places I knew of that banned them were uninformed fisheries. nowadays there’s a wealth of scientific info regarding what the fish need and what goes into boilies, so surely for the benefit of the fish they should be allowed
  9. Hillside fishery nr Rawtenstall
  10. Jebus we’re all knackered haha.... lots of good advice here. I’m going to a small site in April and going to see how I get on. My biggest worry is bending to unhook fish (presuming I don’t actually blank), so that will be the tester
  11. Driven past hundreds of times and obviously know it’s history, but for short ish sessions I’m looking more at Lancashire or Cheshire, at a push I’d head into the dark lands of West Yorkshire
  12. I’m having problems with the motorhome to be fair, there are a lot of sites now that have fishing tho, and some have great fishing. Luckily for me the mrs likes being out in the van and she likes the countryside
  13. I have been looking at these, wish they’d had them 20 years ago... I’d pretty much decided that I was going to use my camping chair as much as possible, it’s just quite big. I certainly can’t afford the power barrow, as much as it would help me massively. I’ve kind of decided how I’m going to have do things. Mainly picking lakes where I can park close by, if i go in my MH then the mrs will help me carry stuff and she can chill in the van
  14. Cheers for the advice. I think a barrow and bait boat are going on the shopping list. Maybe maybe you 2 guys could see if theres a pain management clinic near you as they tend to be a bit more up to speed on these things. I’ve been having tests for years, then my GP referred me to Salford Hope Hospital and they told me what nobody else could. I did a 3 week intensive course for pain management and it was brilliant, I’d recommend it to anyone, and they take from anywhere in UK, on the course they pay for transport, cheap hotels, taxis and grub... may be worth asking your doc about
  15. That’s a good idea. I’ve spoken to one club in Cheshire that have said I can park the Moho if I join the club, so for now it’s looking like that’s the route I’ll have to take, it’s a fairly small water too so no massive treks and my girlfriend will come and she’d help me then stay in the van. The bait boat idea is one I’ll be thinking seriously about too, but I kinda feel like it’s cheating
  16. I’m not at the minute no, I’m on waiting list for Prince Albert but I’m not convinced I want to join. I’m not registered disabled, tho I’m in the process of applying for PIP. I’ve been looking around at clubs where I can park my motorhome for convenience
  17. I have 2 discs missing in my neck which has caused the arthritis in my spine, doesn’t help being a fat biffa, it does trap the nerves which effects my walking. I’ve thought about a barrow and I think that’s something I’m going to have to consider when I get back to work
  18. Thanks for all this, a few years ago I did a pain management programme, it doesn’t solve the issues it just teaches you how to deal with the pain. Plan and pace was the bug thing they kept saying, plan what you have to do and pace yourself, take stops if you need to walk any distance. I use a shooting stick which is pretty good really, I also have a motorhome and plan on doing as much fishing as I can while out in that, it’s finding the right places that’s the hardest. I’m hoping I’m going to be able to cope with my bivvy, I still have my old hutchy apotheosis but it’s the bending to peg out that has stopped me using tents over the last few years. I know there are going to have to be compromises, and as you say, painkillers are pretty ineffective long term, all I have usually is 2 paracetamol as I go to bed, it helps me sleep thru any pain in the night. One of the things on the PMP was them wanting everyone off meds as much as possible as long term effects can be worse than short term pain. thanks again
  19. as I stated previously, I’ve not fished since Oct 2000 and I’m just getting back into it. I was wondering if anyone on here suffered from arthritis? I have it in my lower spine and it effects my walking and standing ability and I’m wary of getting back out on the bank as standing to cast for long periods would be painful as would actually getting to my peg, the other thing that concerns me is bending down to unhook fish and place back in the water, does anyone else have similar problems and if so how do you get on? cheers
  20. 👍 I keep looking at it, but not making any plans for now. Just trying to decide which club to join at the minute, I’m on list for Prince Albert but it’s 2 years wait. Ideally I’d like a nice little syndicate
  21. Borwick is now Birchwood syndicate I think, beautiful place. Have you fished Clearwater?
  22. This is next door finchey, the red dot is where I was sat
  23. As I’ve stated elsewhere, I last fished in oct 2000, I’ve just found this photo from back then, borwick lake near carnforth, I think it’s called birchwood now
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