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Kalllum lindop

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Everything posted by Kalllum lindop

  1. So I’ve just moved to a town and looking on google maps I’ve found a lake. so I take my 6ft rod and get there and it’s all over grown it toke me 20 mins to find it I get there and it’s full! Of wild carp! It’s clear bin left for some many number of years so I fish there for tv e day and managed to have a 8lb tench and a nice csrp! Great! well since that day I’ve fished it over 40 times and had nothing but a few tench I’ve Tryed all the naturals and no carp!! doing more research I’ve found out it’s a old Prince Albert water witch was sold and left over 7 years ago can anyone point me in the right away as in baits they are so clever I’ve put so many hours and only that one time on floating bread since then nothing if anyone would like to know where This little Beaut Is let me know share the love of fishing 💙
  2. Same here! move just moved close to the m6 looking on google maps I’ve found a 5 acre lake abandoned so had a little walk around and it’s got a head of wild carp. And tench my biggest being 8lb carp was a 16lb on this one day since then I’ve fished it and fished it with no luck I’ve used bread, maggot, pellets,bollies pop ups and nothing since that there’s loads of csrp about just not taking doing a bit more resaresch it’s a old lake off the Prince Albert card just left any help on how to help me catch the clever gits would be a help
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